Mar 27, 2023

The decision to have a family is usually a monumental one. But no matter how much we prepare ourselves, motherhood can still come as a shock. It is not uncommon to feel overwhelmed by the level of responsibility and the need to get it right. This often leads to mums and mumpreneurs feeling guilty if everything is not perfect. Because we recognise the importance of raising children, it doesn’t matter whether we have perfectionism tendencies or not. Mum guilt catches us all at some point. The end result is usually a lot of mind noise about whether we’re a good parent or not....

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Mar 13, 2023

With children running around your feet and maybe even a business to run, who has time for creating a clear mind? In fact, being a mum or mumpreneur only tends to increase the amount of mental noise you experience. However, in this blog post we share three common causes of mind clutter for mums and share simple strategies to help you overcome them. With a little effort and the right tools, you can quieten your mind and get on with the intentional living plans you created at the beginning of the year.


Cause #1: Stress And Anxiety

Being a mum and mumpreneur can be stressful, and this...

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Feb 27, 2023

When you’re feeling completely overwhelmed, the last thing you want to hear are strategies which can help avoid these feelings. It’s too late for that. What you want is advice on what to do now or in that moment. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and that there are steps you can take to help manage those feelings. In this blog we share some of the things you can do to reduce overwhelm and return to a sense of peace and calm.


1. Step Back

Sometimes, overwhelm hits us in a moment rather than it being something we feel continuously. When this...

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Feb 13, 2023

The best way to deal with overwhelm is to avoid it in the first place! As a mum or mumpreneur, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending demands of parenting, running a household, and work. Sometimes, all you can focus on is getting through the day. Any thoughts of moving closer to your goals or intentions are pushed to the back of your mind and priority list. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s important to realise we’re not suggesting you do it all – that’s a recipe for disaster, too. However, we’re sharing a few ways in which...

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Jan 23, 2023

How can mums and mumpreneurs live a more intentional life on a day-to-day basis? Intentional living can feel like another expectation on your shoulders. There is already so much to do. However, being more intentional could actually be the solution. When you're intentional, you focus on what's really important in your life. That's why in this blog post, we're sharing how mums and mumpreneurs can be more intentional.


1. Media Consumption

A good place for you to start intentionality is with your media consumption. These days media surround us, whether this is an entire series being...

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Jan 09, 2023

Being intentional takes effort. It requires you to make far more conscious choices rather than engaging the autopilot. As mums and mumpreneurs, our lives are already busy, often overwhelming. So, why should we consider intentional living? In this month’s newsletter, we discussed what living intentionally means. But in today’s blog post, we’re going to share five benefits of intentional living, so you can see it’s more than worth the effort.


1. Happiness

Isn’t this what we’re all striving for in the end? Studies have repeatedly linked intentional...

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Dec 26, 2022

How can a review of your year help you improve the next? This month, we’ve been talking about reviewing the different areas of your life and celebrating the successes. However, to really excel in 2023, there will be lessons you can learn and take forward, such as identifying the activities which are or are not serving you. That’s what we’re going to support you with in this blog post. We’re going to look at each area of your life and, using the review you did earlier this month, learn the lessons you need for 2023.



For many mums and mumpreneurs, this...

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Dec 12, 2022

How can you celebrate when something good happens? In this month’s newsletter, we discussed how you can review your year, seeking both things you could celebrate and lessons to learn. Generally, mums and mumpreneurs do not excel in celebrating their achievements. Often, we think it’s not a big deal and weighed down with a never-ending to-do list, we move onto our next task without a second thought. However, celebrating is essential for numerous reasons. It allows us to recognise what we should keep doing, supports a positive mindset, and improves motivation. How to celebrate,...

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Nov 28, 2022

The day the children break up for the Christmas holidays is edging ever closer and with that comes their ever-increasing excitement. This month we’ve been sharing how you can create more balance in the lead up to the festivities and today is no exception. Here is our planning method which will allow you to reduce your stress and enjoy the day.


1. Use A SINGLE Calendar

It is not uncommon for families to have multiple calendars in use at one time. However, it’s crucial that there is a SINGLE master calendar for the family. If you don’t already have one, it’s...

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Nov 14, 2022

Christmas can be a hectic time for families. The build-up to the day can be huge and on top of this, there are usually all kinds of extra activities to navigate for the children, such as Christmas Jumper Day and nativity plays. Whether you’re someone who enjoys the hustle and bustle or dreads it, it can be a time of year in which we would like to create more balance in our lives. In our newsletter, we looked at what that balance could look like. Today, we’re sharing seven ways in which you can create more balance in the lead up to Christmas.


1. Say No

For many mums and...

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