May 27, 2024

Parenthood is a journey filled with unparallelled love, unexpected challenges, and profound growth. Amidst the whirlwind of daily responsibilities, rediscovering the joy in parenthood is essential not just for our well-being but for our families too. For mums and mumpreneurs juggling the dual demands of parenting and professional life, finding balance and happiness can seem like a daunting task. Yet, it’s within the chaos and the quiet moments alike that joy can flourish. So far this month, we’ve focused on your joy. But we know how important your family is to you, too. So, this...

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Feb 12, 2024

For mums and mumpreneurs, the juggling act between nurturing relationships and building a business is a familiar challenge. Love – be it for our family or our passion – is at the core of what we do. But how do we find that elusive balance where neither is left wanting? As we delve into the theme of love and self-care this month, let's explore strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance and the importance of communication and support in our relationships.


The Tightrope Walk Of Love And Business

The life of a mumpreneur is a constant balancing act. On one hand, you...

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Oct 05, 2020

Are you 100% happy with everything about you, your life, your relationships with loved ones, in your work or with your business?

Unless you answered an emphatic yes - please grab a cuppa and join me in reading  on! 

Have you ever asked yourself what’s really holding you back...

...from taking your first step to getting unstuck and moving towards achieving the  life and business...

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Oct 01, 2020

Your personal invitation to join our 5 Day Confidence Booster Challenge, starting Mon 5th October

Learn how to boost your Self-Confidence in yourself and your abilities during times of uncertainty. Create what you really want in life for you and your family - despite the challenges you face!

Places are limited so grab your place today using the link below...


Maybe You Can Relate...

Prior to Covid, UK surveys revealed 75% of women expressed they wished they had more confidence, self-belief and self-esteem to help them embrace...

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Jan 08, 2018

If you missed January Empower and last week's blog, first and foremost I'd like to wish you a very Happy New Year, with greater confidence, balance and clarity for the year ahead.

How has the first week of 2018 treated you so far? Can you believe we're already a week into 2018?

I do hope you're well and have had an enjoyable festive period with your families and loved ones. I've heard from many clients, colleagues and friends that have unfortunately been afflicted with all sorts of bugs over Christmas, including quite a few with full-blown flu. If this was you, I hope you're now fighting...

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Jan 01, 2018

Happy New Year!

Today is a special day for numerous reasons, the start of a new year, a chance to start with a clean slate and Empower, our monthly newsletter has been published for the 100th time. Today our 100th Anniversary edition was sent out and we thought a celebration was called for. When this journey started, the newsletter was sent out quarterly but has been of benefit to our Empower community of mums and mumpreneurs for nine years, providing advice, inspiration and support helping them overcome the daily challenges mums face.

For all the advice and support we have shared over the...

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Jan 01, 2015

Happy New Year to fabulous mums throughout the world!

I hope 2015 is the year that brings you happiness and prosperity. Make this the year you re-discover your inner sparkle so you can enjoy every aspect of life!

Wishing you confidence, balance and joy for 2015 and beyo

Tracey x

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier,...

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Dec 25, 2014

Wishing mums throughout the world a very Merry Christmas!

I hope you enjoy a wonderfully festive family time and, most importantly, find a moment to relax on this special day! Here’s to a magical day with your loved ones full of joy and laughter.

Lots of love,

Tracey x

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier,...

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Jan 13, 2014

A highly effective way to live in accordance with your own aspirations – at work and personally – is to prioritise your needs and how you want to spend your time. When you decided to set up a business that would work around your family life, you did so to manage your own time effectively, contribute to the household income and be there when your family needs you. Sometimes balancing everything equally can be difficult, especially when one aspect of your life demands attention over another. How can you confidently and quickly make decisions that enable all aspects of your life to...

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Jan 01, 2014

Wishing all my clients, followers and supporters throughout the world a very happy, prosperous and fun-filled 2014! I hope you are looking forward to an easier, more fulfilling and happier year with my continued support!

In 2014, I am looking forward to helping more mums to achieve their greatest aspirations and to live the lives they truly want and deserve!

Happy New Year to you all!

Much love,

Tracey x

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you...

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