Apr 16, 2018

In this month’s newsletter, I spoke about the things we could do to start developing a mindset for success. Before we can get to that place, its important to get clarity around the beliefs that may be stopping us from maintaining a growth mindset.

As with all personal development making changes to the way we have always done something can prove challenging and may take some practice. In many ways it's like building a muscle. The more frequently we push ourselves out of our comfort zone to do things that make us feel uncomfortable, like changing a pattern of behaviour, the easier it...

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Mar 26, 2018

There can be a general assumption that women aren’t naturally confident, that it’s something most of us have to ‘grow’ into. If you feel this way you could be forgiven for holding onto the belief that confidence is something to be worked on. A quick scan of your favourite Disney films – or most films with female characters will show that for almost all female leads, confidence or bravery comes about as a result of facing a fear. To a degree there is some truth in the fact that confidence grows after taking action but this is only part of the story.

We are all...

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Mar 12, 2018

In this months newsletter I spoke about getting to a place where fear of failure wouldn’t be an issue. Wouldn’t it be great to dive into things headfirst without worrying about all the things that could go wrong? Often we can become our own worst enemies. On our journey we create problems that aren’t there and let uncertainty and doubt stop us dead in our tracks.

Those we look up to also have fears. Last year the Queen of US TV Oprah talked of her fear of playing the lead role in ‘The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks’ It seems strange as she has been on TV...

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Feb 26, 2018

The world can sometimes be a place of organised chaos, which can make us feel out of control at times. The good news however, is that we all have the power to be in control of ourselves. We don’t have to act in a reactive way if we are proactive in deciding how we will deal with situations before they arise. On a day-to-day basis, this helps us operate with a clear mind as we have clearly laid out priorities and can let go of the things that are holding us back and replace them with the things that will help us move forward in the direction of our choosing.

Of course, with anything...

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Feb 12, 2018

Time; It’s one thing we never seem to have enough of, especially whilst we juggle the priorities of family, work, housework, relationships and self care. Often, it’s difficult to know the best way to make use of the time we do have, flitting between racing through our to-do list at a hundred miles an hour or slowing down to just breathe – still worrying about the million and one things we should be doing. What’s for the best? Embracing the chaos or spend all of our time getting things in order?

In reality most us love the idea of being effortlessly organised, neat...

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Jan 22, 2018

How is 2018 treating you so far? Did you know that last Monday was 'Blue Monday'? Apparently the day of the year when people are at their most sad, all the excitement of Christmas over and not much to look forward to. Apparently being back in work and Summer being a good few months away is enough reason to want to forget the New Year altogether and hibernate.

Well, this may be the case for some people, where I come from we don't need a holiday company making up days and telling us when to feel happy or sad. That said it is worth noting that Blue Monday is indeed the week before it is...

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Jan 08, 2018

If you missed January Empower and last week's blog, first and foremost I'd like to wish you a very Happy New Year, with greater confidence, balance and clarity for the year ahead.

How has the first week of 2018 treated you so far? Can you believe we're already a week into 2018?

I do hope you're well and have had an enjoyable festive period with your families and loved ones. I've heard from many clients, colleagues and friends that have unfortunately been afflicted with all sorts of bugs over Christmas, including quite a few with full-blown flu. If this was you, I hope you're now fighting...

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Jan 01, 2018

Happy New Year!

Today is a special day for numerous reasons, the start of a new year, a chance to start with a clean slate and Empower, our monthly newsletter has been published for the 100th time. Today our 100th Anniversary edition was sent out and we thought a celebration was called for. When this journey started, the newsletter was sent out quarterly but has been of benefit to our Empower community of mums and mumpreneurs for nine years, providing advice, inspiration and support helping them overcome the daily challenges mums face.

For all the advice and support we have shared over the...

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Dec 25, 2017

Merry Christmas!

With only six days to go until the end of the year, its worth taking time to reflect on the past 12 months but also to look forward to 2018 and all the possibilities that are open for you. You’ve made it to the end of another year, collected many memories and overcome many obstacles, no matter how minor, along the way. It’s time to celebrate all you’ve achieved.

Relax, have that glass of prosecco and enjoy the fruits of your labour. Have an amazing Christmas and a New Year without a shred of worry, for now, it’s time to enjoy yourself. You can keep...

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Dec 11, 2017

Christmas is fast approaching. A time of excitement for most, it can invoke a feeling of stress. The expectations we place on ourselves to have the 'perfect' Christmas, whether that is doing the cooking or trying to keep everyone happy. Whether we celebrate Christmas or not, it is the one day of the year everything pretty much grinds to a halt and forces us to slow down and gives us the opportunity to spend time with loved ones.

The closer we get to C-Day, the more we tend to dash around trying to finish our tasks before the holidays start. No-one wants to end up spending Christmas morning...

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