Nov 27, 2017

With December fast approaching it’s the perfect time to reflect on the year so far. I imagine that you’ve achieved many of the things you set out to do and possibly some things that you didn't set out to. Congratulations! You have made it this far. It is quite likely you didn't achieve everything you wanted to this year but we aren't as the end of the year just yet so there is still time.

Even the most committed of us are likely to take our eye off the proverbial ball at some point or encounter challenges that completely throw us off track. You’re not going to achieve...

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Oct 23, 2017

In my last post I asked the question: What does success mean to you and what will you do to get it? I talked about the fact success of course means different things to different people. For some monetary success is paramount, whilst for others it can change weekly according to what makes them happy at any given time.

You have to know what success means to you before you can set out to pursue it. Once you have some clarity around what will truly make you happy you are in the perfect position to evaluate why it will make you happy. This almost always comes back to your values.

The desire to...

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Oct 09, 2017

This month’s newsletter talked about celebrating how far we have come since the start of 2017. Taking the time to review and celebrate your milestones, no matter how small, is a great way of staying motivated and on track even when progress isn’t being made as fast as you’d like it to.

Looking back on where you were at the start of your journey is always a greater indication of success than where we find ourselves at any given time. It has been said that the true measure of success isn’t where we end up but how far we’ve come. Many agree that the journey and...

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Sep 25, 2017

In my last blog I asked how focusing on your personal goals and aspirations had been going. I explained the importance of making sure goals are in alignment with your core values to ensure greater success.

No matter what they are, incorporating small changes into your day to day life can be a challenge. Not least because we are creatures of habit and habits can be difficult to break. Rather than trying to change or incorporate everything at once, the best way to make effective long lasting changes is to begin to introduce small changes one by one.

Let’s use an example of a change...

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Sep 11, 2017

In this month’s newsletter we talked about new beginnings for us and our families at the start of the new academic year.  I explained the importance of taking time to focus on those goals and aspirations that may have been kept on a back burner for some time. Where January has traditionally been the month for fresh starts, many of the experts agree that September can be an equally good time to start over.

A week or so into the new school term, have you had any success with making time to focus on what you want? It’s ok if you haven’t, you may be waiting for things to...

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Aug 28, 2017

The theme for August has been one of simplicity. In my last blog I talked about the importance of ditching ‘Mummy Guilt’; something most of us feel at some point in our parenting journey. Today I want to talk about making time for yourself to create a life you love. When we aren’t wracked by guilt, worrying about what we’re doing wrong, it’s far easier to credit ourselves for what you are doing well.

Living a life that makes you happy is the most loving thing you can do for yourself and everyone else around you. The age old saying about not being able to pour...

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Aug 14, 2017

As we fast approach September and back to school time,, you are probably looking over the past month with fond memories of the time you’ve been able to spend as a family.

By now, for some of you, the mere mention of children activities might be enough to bring you out in hives, after numerous wrestling matches over the remote control or the toy of the hour. Whichever side of the fence you sit, one thing is for sure. You ARE an amazing mum.

Let’s talk about something all mums at some point in their life experience; Mummy guilt.

No matter the parenting style, most of us will have...

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Jul 24, 2017

By now, I imagine the school summer holiday will have started for most of you. In my last blog I shared some of my top tips for staying sane during the summer holidays. Planning and preparation are key. You may have a plan for every day, a  budget and the children’s requests on a list on the fridge but have you thought about what to do if things don’t go according to plan?

As with most things in life, some of your best laid plans for your summer holidays may not work out. Illness, childcare even the weather could pose potential challenges. So, what to do?

Spending a few...

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Jul 10, 2017

This month’s Empower touched upon the topic of having a stress free summer. Continuing on from that theme I thought I’d delve a little deeper into once element that can have the biggest impact on keeping stress at bay. Planning.

Managing the summer holidays with a family in many ways is no different to managing a project at work. We have all sorts of important things to consider: Timescales - roughly 6-8 weeks, budget - to be determined by how many outings or ice creams the children want, milestones - each weekend signifies one week survived and one less to find a multitude of...

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Jun 26, 2017

If I asked you to tell me who you are without being able to use titles such as mum, wife, partner, sister, manager, employee what would you answer? Would you answer easily or would you find it difficult?

Often as women, it can feel our identity is so tied up in who we are to others, we forget who we are to ourselves. What we love, what makes us happy, what we stand for. It’s easy to know who we in our responsibility roles. We play those roles on autopilot. They are so well rehearsed, we don’t have to think about them. How often do we get the chance to be ‘ourselves’...

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