Sep 27, 2010

On 28th September, Tracey is holding a free teleseminar for Mumpreneurs who wish to understand more about establishing a strategy for developing and maintaining a successful business. As part of our Mumpreneur-focus month, we thought you might like some top tips that will help you to set and achieve your business goals, whether you wish to establish your dream business or would like to develop and grow your existing enterprise.

Take Each Step At A Time
Establish one goal at a time to avoid being overwhelmed by all the things you would like to achieve! Once you have created your list of...

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Sep 13, 2010

In our latest edition of Empower, we discussed how the start of a new school year essentially gives mums like you the opportunity to reconsider your resolutions for 2010 and to achieve the ambitions that you have potentially put aside due to other family commitments. When you considered your aspirations, how high up your priority list were your business goals and objectives?

This September sees the launch of Empowering Mumpreneurs’ interactive online coaching programme, From Seed To Success. Many of you may have a burning desire to establish your own business – or to grow your...

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Aug 23, 2010

During the summer months, it is the norm to slip into a more relaxed routine with later bedtimes and no set schedule. As the summer holidays draw to a close, it is a good idea to prepare for the onset of the new school term by reintroducing your term-time routine. Here are some great tips to help you get back into the swing of things!

Bring Back Bedtime
A set bedtime doesn’t normally exist during the long school holidays but in order to get used to the school run again, it is a good idea to re-establish a good bedtime routine. A couple of weeks before the end of the holidays re-start...

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Aug 09, 2010

Empowering Mums is on a mission to make your summer holidays as fun-packed and stress-free as possible. This is why we have put together a list of great activities for you and your children to enjoy. You can refer back to this list time and again to maximise the time spent with the kids, and avoid any unnecessary boredom that might set in during the long weeks ahead!

1. Plan Events Together
Find out how each family member wants to spend their summer holiday and plan in everyone’s chosen activities. Make sure the wish list is realistic and try to fulfil everyone’s choices...

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Jul 26, 2010

Do you remember your childhood summer holidays, when the days were filled with a choice of fun-packed activities or long, lazy lie-ins? Now you’re a mum, it is much more likely that your children’s summer holidays are going to consist of a frenzied attempt at trying to juggle work commitments and fulfilling childcare needs. Top this off with a big helping of Guilt and your dread for this time of year begins!

The summer holidays can be especially difficult for mums trying to maintain a good work/life balance. Try to make a change this year and at the top of your overwhelming...

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Jul 12, 2010

The build up to the summer holidays can be overwhelming, especially when you are wondering what to do with your excitable children during the long annual break! Here are some great tips to help you contain your children’s excitement whilst keeping them entertained in the summer sun.

Set Up A Play Room Or Play Area
Children often go from room to room leaving remnants of a whirlwind in their wake. Trying to keep up with the tidying and all your other household chores can be exhausting, especially if you are also juggling other duties such as work responsibilities.

If you’ve the...

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Jun 28, 2010

Personal coaching packages tailored specifically for busy mums offer great benefits that boost self-confidence, energy and well-being.

Many mums tend to focus solely on the needs and aspirations of their children. It is common for them to lose sight of the ambitions and goals they had for themselves before they had children. This generous act towards their children might be self-less, but it does little for the self-esteem, well-being and happiness of these women.

If this sounds familiar to you, it is quite possible that your life lacks direction, you often feel out of control and you...

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Jun 14, 2010

The role of ‘mum’ is certainly complex! It is a multi-layered function made up of a vast variety of unrelenting roles, duties and tasks. A good definition of the main role of a mum is ‘carer’. We care for the health, education, development, success, shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses of our children. We care about the cleanliness and tidiness of our homes. We care about the needs, happiness and worries of our partners. We care about the well-being of our extended family members. So why do we find it so difficult to care for ourselves?

Women tend to have many...

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May 24, 2010

The key to enjoying life confidently and passionately is to celebrate the woman you are! You are many things – a mum, a wife, a partner, a friend, a daughter, a work colleague, a PTA member – and you should be proud of all the things you achieve for yourself and your family on a daily basis.

Being a mum is extremely rewarding but it can be exhausting. When you are so busy attending the needs of others, you can often forget about your own needs and quickly become resentful and under valued. It is important, therefore, to ensure you value yourself, your time and your qualities...

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May 10, 2010

With the onset of summer, many of us will be desperately trying out a huge variety of fad diets in an attempt to squeeze into our bikinis and swim suits. However, have you thought about how you want to look when you return from your holidays and beyond?

Changing your mindset about living a healthier life will help you maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, letting you enjoy every aspect of your life without worrying about how you look!

The most successful change will come when you start thinking differently about the way you look and feel. If you truly analyse your self-worth, you should...

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