May 23, 2022

When someone talks about you looking after your wellbeing, it can seem like a huge concept. If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, it may feel like an impossible task. But sometimes, it’s the small things that can make the difference. So, we’re sharing seven of our favourite quick tips for wellbeing. Pick one and give it a go!


1. Get In Nature

We talk a lot about getting amongst nature but that’s because it’s effective. There are many different takes on this. For example, forest bathing where you just sit amongst trees is growing in popularity. But...

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May 09, 2022

Being busy has become something of a status symbol in recent times. It is almost as if we’re in competition to see how much we can cram into a day. Many people never get to clear their desk at work, however many hours they put in. As mums and mumpreneurs, we’re left with multiple responsibilities which we’re constantly trying to juggle. Whereas it was once the norm for children to have just one hobby, now there is pressure to be taking them to an inconceivable number of activities. The message we get is if we don’t manage to do a million and one things in the day,...

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Apr 25, 2022

Got something you want to achieve but the motivation is flagging? In our last blog post, we looked at how understanding your “why” is essential in your motivation. But if that’s not enough, then don’t worry. We’re sharing seven more ways to keep motivated.


1. Get An Accountability Buddy

We are far more likely to achieve a goal if we share it with someone else. This is often because we don’t want to let them down or have the embarrassment of saying we haven’t made any progress. You can either find someone who is trying to achieve a similar...

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Apr 11, 2022

You may find your motivation waning. For example, perhaps you told yourself that you would reward yourself with a slice of cake when you completed a task. But now, you don’t care. You’re going to have that slice of cake, regardless. But you also know it’s important to push through this tricky patch and keep going. What can you do to stay motivated?

As we discussed in last month’s newsletter, there are two forms of motivation: extrinsic and intrinsic. Outside rewards such as a slice of cake are extrinsic forms of motivation. While these are much easier to set-up and...

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Mar 28, 2022

How long has it been since your mind felt serene? If it’s been a while, then this blog post is for you. We're used to decluttering physical spaces, but we don't often talk about this in terms of our brains. But decluttering your mind will help you achieve more and improve your mental wellbeing. Here are five tips on how you can do precisely that.


1. Write Things Down 

We can spend all day distracted from what we're supposed to be focusing on because so many other things pop into our heads. This clutter slows our brains. Rather than trying to hold everything in your...

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Mar 14, 2022

Some things that clutter up our minds can be easy to spot. For example, we often know that we’re trying to hold too much information in our minds, yet we still do it. However, there are a few things that are not so easy to recognise. Not only do they clutter our minds, but they also put an enormous obstacle in our path. Today, we’re sharing three sneaky obstacles that may have slipped into your life unnoticed.


1. So-called Friends

Just because someone is your friend doesn’t mean that they are a real one. It’s a sad fact of life that sometimes those we are...

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Feb 28, 2022

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”   

Henry Ford

Most people will have heard this quote at some point. What you believe can determine your success levels. But what do you do if you realise you don’t have much belief or faith in your abilities to achieve the goals you’ve set out for 2022? Do you just give up? Of course not. But you will need to develop your self-belief if you want to achieve them. That’s why in this blog post, we’re sharing with you, three ways in which your can develop faith and...

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Feb 14, 2022

The Key To Success?

You’ve set out your goals for the year. You’ve even created a roadmap of how you intend to get there. What else can you do to give yourself the best chance of success?

In this month’s newsletter, we looked at a range of successful people from Oprah Winfrey to Jim Carrey. What they all had in common was belief in themselves and faith that they would achieve their goals. Sure, you could put this down to just being coincidence. But the truth is, they really do play a role in how successful you are. In this post, we explain why that is.




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Jan 24, 2022

It's not the goal you set that matters, but what you do with it! In our last blog post, we discussed how just setting goals was not enough. To achieve them, you need to do some planning. But that's not the only way you can increase your chances of achieving your goals. Today, we're discussing three other things you can do to bring those goals within your reach during 2022.


1. Fear-Setting from Tim Ferriss

The first of these comes from Tim Ferriss, entrepreneur and author of the famous 4-Hour Workweek book. When talking about goals, he instead uses the term...

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Jan 10, 2022

After the last couple of years, no one could blame us if we gave up on the idea of setting goals. This is particularly so with uncertainty still in the air and plans constantly shifting as people have to isolate. But despite this, we cannot ignore the benefits that goal setting can bring us. Goals give us focus, making it easier for us to see where to place our attention and what we need to do going forward. So, regardless of the amount of uncertainty in our lives, goals help us achieve more. We just need to give a little thought to how we choose and set them. And that’s what...

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