How Faith, Belief And Courage Can Help You Achieve Your Goals!
Feb 14, 2022

The Key To Success?

You’ve set out your goals for the year. You’ve even created a roadmap of how you intend to get there. What else can you do to give yourself the best chance of success?

In this month’s newsletter, we looked at a range of successful people from Oprah Winfrey to Jim Carrey. What they all had in common was belief in themselves and faith that they would achieve their goals. Sure, you could put this down to just being coincidence. But the truth is, they really do play a role in how successful you are. In this post, we explain why that is.



Let’s start by defining what we mean by belief. Belief can be described as “an opinion or judgement in which a person is fully persuaded”. To believe in something is to believe that it is true. When talking about its role in you achieving your goals, we’re referring to self-belief. In other words, you are fully persuaded in the judgement that you can achieve those goals – you believe in your abilities.

Having this self-belief will give you greater vision. You’ll be able to better identify and spot opportunities that come your way that will move you forward. It will also give you more willpower and resilience when you believe in your abilities to achieve. Obstacles may pop up, people may question what you’re doing, but your belief will keep you going. But how does this differ from faith?



Faith is sometimes defined as belief with action. It’s possible to believe that something is possible but then not do anything to achieve it. Things come up and your belief doesn’t waver – you’re still of the opinion it can be achieved – but it’s faith that moves you forward – your faith in you to act on your vision.

With faith, you stop second-guessing what might happen or could go wrong. Instead, you focus on taking steps towards your goal, no matter what happens. This is because when you have faith, you know that things will work out just fine in the end – you just have to keep going putting one foot in front of the other – baby steps.



But what have belief and faith got to do with courage? Look courage up in the dictionary and it will tell you that it is the ability to do something that frightens you, or in the words of Susan Jeffers, “feel the fear and do it anyway”.

When we want to achieve something that we’ve not done before, it means stepping into the unknown. For many, the unknown is something scary – it is outside of our comfort zone – and, therefore, it requires courage to take the necessary action.

Having belief in our abilities and faith in ourselves, our goals and vision gives us that courage. You take action because you know that you’re capable of doing it and you will get there eventually, whatever happens in the meantime. This knowledge makes it far easier for you to be courageous and take consistent action.


Moving forward…

So, faith, belief and courage support us in achieving more and smashing our goals. But if you’re riddled with uncertainty or doubt, how do you make the transition? How do you develop more faith, belief and courage? That’s what we’re discussing in our next blog post. For now, share in the comments a goal you would aim for if you had the faith, belief and courage.


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