Jun 08, 2020

What’s holding you back from having more self-value? In this month's newsletter, we discussed the importance that self-value plays in being able to create the life you want. But to be able to build more of it and move forward, we need to identify what’s stopping us. Quite often, it can come down to things that have happened in the past and in this blog post, we’re exploring what you can do to leave that behind you so that you can feel more worthy.

Our Experiences Of Others

Probably the most significant impact from our past is our experiences of others. It might be that...

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May 25, 2020

Attracting good things into your life doesn't require you to be "woo-woo" or even vaguely spiritual. In this month's newsletter, we looked at the science around this, and in the last blog post we explored the first steps you could take if you were stuck in a negative place or have had a run of "bad luck". In this blog post, we're going to explore your next steps with the three things you can do to start bringing more positive things into your world.

1. Get A Clear Vision

To spot all the incredible opportunities that cross your path, you need to be focused on the right things. That means...

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May 11, 2020

You want good things to come your way, but when you've had a run of things going wrong, you can find yourself stuck in a negative mindset waiting for the next disaster to hit. But as we saw in this month's newsletter, for things to start going right, you need a different way of thinking. That's much easier said than done, though. So, in this blog post, we're going to look at the three easy steps you can take to stop the rot and start to take control of your thoughts.

1. Take Notice

We have millions of thoughts each day, and we only notice a handful of them. That can mean there's a lot of...

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Apr 27, 2020

When you’re a mum running a business, you can spend half your time feeling like you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. The list of things that need tackling can be endless and you find yourself waking up at night remembering something important that you’ve previously forgotten. However, implementing organisation systems can save you time and help you get back on top. Here are three that you can easily implement within your business.

1. Filing System

It’s easy to get overrun with paperwork and the trouble is that this can lead to you wasting hours...

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Mar 23, 2020

What would happen if you said “No”? This month we have been exploring what you might be tolerating and allowing in your life and why you may feel unable to change that. Maybe you’re not convinced yet that you should make any changes. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the impact it might be having now, and what could happen if you put more boundaries in place and a stop to some of the things you’re permitting.

Is your family really benefiting?

We often think that by putting up with stuff and making everyone else a priority, we’re doing our friends...

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Mar 09, 2020

Why do we tolerate so much that isn’t serving us? In this month’s newsletter, we talked about the kinds of things we might be allowing in our lives that we wouldn’t have in the past. But having some understanding of how we’ve reached this point, can help us to not only make changes but to also avoid the same pitfalls in the future.

Here are three reasons why you might be tolerating too much in your life and that might stop you from moving forward.

1. It’s Too Hard To Change

Spend a minute thinking about changing an aspect of your routine. Notice your heartbeat...

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Jan 27, 2020

In the last blog post, we looked at how you could set powerful intentions and improve your mindset so that you can achieve what you want. However, we also discussed how other things can get in the way such as not taking care of ourselves and getting distracted by all the other things going on around us. Here’s our run down of practical steps you can take to help make things happen and to achieve your goals.

1. Create Focused Time

Our brains can only focus for so long on one task. After that our productivity dwindles. By working with our brains, we can start to achieve more in the time...

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Jan 13, 2020

In this month’s newsletter, we looked at the kinds of things that can steer us off course from getting what we want. One of these was our own minds. Creating the right mindset dramatically increases your chance of success. But where do you start? By setting intentions. Here are 5 steps to help you get started.

1. Get Clear On What You Want And Why You Want It

It sounds obvious, but far too often we have a vague sense of our goals rather than a very clear picture. On top of that, we don’t always consider why it’s important to us. This can leave us in danger of chasing...

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Dec 23, 2019

In the last blog post, we looked at how you could reflect on the last year. If you haven’t followed the step-by-step guide in that, then I would suggest you do that first before reading this blog post. The reason why reflection is so important is because it helps guide you in setting your goals for the following year.

You may have been surprised by some of the scores you gave to areas of your life. Without doing that work, you may not have recognised the areas which need more attention and focus to get you closer to your ideal next year. Take a moment now to review those scores and...

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Dec 09, 2019

How has this year gone for you? Did it go too quickly for you, or does it seem to have dragged? Does it feel like a successful one or were you constantly battling obstacles? Either way you probably haven’t realised quite how much you have accomplished as a mumpreneur, a mother, a partner, a friend, an individual. I can guarantee it is more than you think.

Reflecting on your year gives you the opportunity to acknowledge those achievements and to learn from things that haven’t gone so well. In this guide, we take you through it, step-by-step.

What Have Been The Highs And Lows?


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