Nov 14, 2022

Christmas can be a hectic time for families. The build-up to the day can be huge and on top of this, there are usually all kinds of extra activities to navigate for the children, such as Christmas Jumper Day and nativity plays. Whether you’re someone who enjoys the hustle and bustle or dreads it, it can be a time of year in which we would like to create more balance in our lives. In our newsletter, we looked at what that balance could look like. Today, we’re sharing seven ways in which you can create more balance in the lead up to Christmas.


1. Say No

For many mums and...

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Oct 24, 2022

We are living in difficult times. In fact, there seems to have been a catalogue of events in recent years which can feel unending, from the pandemic to war in Europe. While it’s inevitable that we will live through times which are tough, your mindset can make all the difference in how you will cope. In fact, it can not only ensure you survive but continue to thrive, whatever chaos might happen around you.

These are the times in which we need a positive mindset the most. Yet, it can also be the times when we find it most difficult to continue with a growth mindset. Everything can feel...

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Oct 10, 2022

You are far more likely to be successful and achieve the things you want in life if you cultivate a positive mindset. However, we’ve often not been taught how to do this. If you’re a ‘glass half empty’ type of person and want to change that, then there are a few simple steps you can take to shift your mindset. In this month’s newsletter, we discussed how choosing your focus can support your mindset. However, this alone is unlikely to be enough. Below are seven other ways in which you can cultivate a positive mindset.


1. Make A Note This can help you keep...

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Jul 25, 2022

Are you tired all the time? Fed up of being inefficient? Or perhaps you're feeling emotional? In our last blog post, we discussed how these can all be signs you’re overwhelmed. Overwhelm can lead to health problems, both physical and mental. But if you’ve recognised the signs, what can you do to overcome it and restore some balance in your life? We’re sharing our five favourite tips for mums and mumpreneurs.


1. Learn To Say “No”

Mums and mumpreneurs are not known for their ability to say “no”! Too often, we want to be helpful. We take on...

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May 23, 2022

When someone talks about you looking after your wellbeing, it can seem like a huge concept. If you’re already feeling overwhelmed, it may feel like an impossible task. But sometimes, it’s the small things that can make the difference. So, we’re sharing seven of our favourite quick tips for wellbeing. Pick one and give it a go!


1. Get In Nature

We talk a lot about getting amongst nature but that’s because it’s effective. There are many different takes on this. For example, forest bathing where you just sit amongst trees is growing in popularity. But...

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May 09, 2022

Being busy has become something of a status symbol in recent times. It is almost as if we’re in competition to see how much we can cram into a day. Many people never get to clear their desk at work, however many hours they put in. As mums and mumpreneurs, we’re left with multiple responsibilities which we’re constantly trying to juggle. Whereas it was once the norm for children to have just one hobby, now there is pressure to be taking them to an inconceivable number of activities. The message we get is if we don’t manage to do a million and one things in the day,...

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Nov 22, 2021

How can you experience more moments of joy in your life? In our last blog post, we cast our minds back to recognise the times in which we had experienced great happiness over the past year. But now, it’s time to do a little forward planning. When we’re more conscious about creating joy, we have more perspective about our lives. Rather than dwelling on things that have gone wrong, we can recall the joyous moments in our lives, too. But how can you bring more of it into your life? Here are three ways to help you begin...


1. Pause and Observe

Many people are put off by the...

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Nov 08, 2021

We're willing to bet that you've experienced more moments of joy throughout 2021 than you initially thought. It is human nature for the adverse events to stick in our minds more when we think back over the past year. And, if we’re not careful, these can begin to dominate our thoughts, leaving us feeling like we’ve had a terrible year. When this happens, we often find ourselves hoping and praying that next year will be better. But today, we want to encourage you to find the moments of joy that did exist so that you can think more positively about 2021.


Recalling past...

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Aug 23, 2021

We can all be guilty of focusing on the negatives rather than the positives. In fact, it’s human nature. Through the pandemic, you may well have found yourself focusing on the things you couldn’t do and what you missed. It’s perfectly natural, especially when it brought such sweeping changes to our lives. But as we’re talking this month about making the most of summer, we wanted to share ways in which you can appreciate it, whatever changes might be thrown our way.


1. Give Thanks

This can be a great family activity and can be done as you sit at the table...

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Jun 28, 2021

How can you make gratitude a part of your daily life? This month we’ve looked at the multitude of benefits that can come from a gratitude practice. However, it can be easier said than done to introduce something new into your life. That’s why we’re rounding up some of our favourite ways of making it a daily habit for you and the family.


1. Keep A Diary

This is one of the most popular methods for practising gratitude. Some people like to use a small diary, and others treat themselves to a new notebook or journal. The idea is that you write down a few things you are...

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