Oct 01, 2020

Your personal invitation to join our 5 Day Confidence Booster Challenge, starting Mon 5th October

Learn how to boost your Self-Confidence in yourself and your abilities during times of uncertainty. Create what you really want in life for you and your family - despite the challenges you face!

Places are limited so grab your place today using the link below...



Maybe You Can Relate...

Prior to Covid, UK surveys revealed 75% of women expressed they wished they had more confidence, self-belief and self-esteem to help them embrace...

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Sep 28, 2020

While it was clear from our last blog post that there are huge benefits to simplifying your life, it’s not always easy to get started. That’s why in this blog post we’re giving you three different ways to start creating more simplicity. Which one you choose is up to you, but it might be worth considering which area is causing you most stress and starting there.


1. Simplifying Decisions

Many mums and mumpreneurs struggle to say no because we’re too busy trying to please everyone. That leaves us agreeing to too many things and feeling overwhelmed. We can also...

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Sep 14, 2020

The pandemic has disrupted nearly the entire globe this year and has led to many people rethinking how they live their life. If you have school-aged children, then life probably became much more complicated. For others, with less places to visit, there was less stuff going on in their lives. Whichever way it went for you, it probably had you thinking about changes you wanted to make in the future, and you might have found yourself thinking about simplicity.

There are all kinds of benefits to making your life simpler and in this blog post, we’re exploring three of them.



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Aug 24, 2020

While showing gratitude now and again might give you a quick boost in mood, it will only be temporary unless you make it a daily habit. It’s also one of those things that can be much easier to do when you’re on a high and having a great day. However, it’s on the more difficult days that it’s really needed. Today, we’re covering three different ways that you can practise gratitude and make it a part of your routine.


1. Keep A Gratitude Diary Or Journal

If you're someone who likes to write down your thoughts, then a gratitude diary or journal could be the...

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Aug 10, 2020

Ever noticed how it can be, getting started on something that can be the hardest step? Our thoughts tend to build things up until they're much bigger than reality. It doesn't matter if it's a new way of exercising, doing something in your business, or a milestone with your child such as potty training.

The same is true for practising gratitude. Getting going can be the hardest step. The most significant barrier is recognising what to be grateful for. But once you realise how much we tend to take for granted, you can soon find thousands of blessings to count. 

Today, we’re giving...

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Jul 27, 2020

When you build your resilience, you’re able to cope with more of what life throws at you. Not only that, but you can also find yourself thriving when faced with a challenge. In the last blog post, we looked at the kind of things that can reduce your resilience. In this one, we’re covering what you can do to build it back up again.

1. Learn To Relax

I know – this sounds like a joke. As a mum or mumpreneur, relaxation is a distant memory. It might be something that you don’t expect to have in your life again for many years to come. However, relaxation is still...

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Jul 13, 2020

Why is it that some people are more resilient than others? What might have caused your resilience to reduce? In this month's newsletter, we looked at why resilience is essential. But when we start to look at what can change how much resilience we have, then we can begin the journey to improving it. In this blog post, we're looking at three factors that can be at play.

1. Lack Of Support

Research has shown that one of the most important factors when it comes to resilience is social support. We all like to think that our friends and family will be there for us when we need them, but that...

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Apr 13, 2020

In last week’s newsletter, we talked about how easy it is to get overwhelmed with everything that we have to do as mums or mumpreneurs. However, I also promised to help you avoid this with some recommended organisation systems. In this blog, we’re focused on the home and ways in which you and your family can get more organised and save time. Here are my top three systems.

1. Meal Planning

How many times have you hunted around in the fridge or freezer to find something for dinner? Or realised that you have a crucial ingredient missing? This can involve unnecessary trips to the...

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Mar 23, 2020

What would happen if you said “No”? This month we have been exploring what you might be tolerating and allowing in your life and why you may feel unable to change that. Maybe you’re not convinced yet that you should make any changes. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the impact it might be having now, and what could happen if you put more boundaries in place and a stop to some of the things you’re permitting.

Is your family really benefiting?

We often think that by putting up with stuff and making everyone else a priority, we’re doing our friends...

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Mar 09, 2020

Why do we tolerate so much that isn’t serving us? In this month’s newsletter, we talked about the kinds of things we might be allowing in our lives that we wouldn’t have in the past. But having some understanding of how we’ve reached this point, can help us to not only make changes but to also avoid the same pitfalls in the future.

Here are three reasons why you might be tolerating too much in your life and that might stop you from moving forward.

1. It’s Too Hard To Change

Spend a minute thinking about changing an aspect of your routine. Notice your heartbeat...

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