The 3 Biggest Benefits Of Simplicity
Sep 14, 2020

The pandemic has disrupted nearly the entire globe this year and has led to many people rethinking how they live their life. If you have school-aged children, then life probably became much more complicated. For others, with less places to visit, there was less stuff going on in their lives. Whichever way it went for you, it probably had you thinking about changes you wanted to make in the future, and you might have found yourself thinking about simplicity.

There are all kinds of benefits to making your life simpler and in this blog post, we’re exploring three of them.


1. Things Become Easier And Quicker

Have you ever noticed that when you have a spring clean, things just seem quicker and easier? If you’re a mumpreneur working from home, you might discover that you get more productive when you have a clean and tidy desk. As a mum, the morning school run probably runs smoother when there is less clutter lying around – your child can find their shoes and even the elusive PE kit.

It’s not just that, though. When you decide to simplify your life that can include your belongings. When you have more space around you, it can also produce more head space. Suddenly you can find yourself thinking more fluidly and making decisions faster. In essence, making your surroundings simpler, gives you more time and energy.


2. Achieve More With Less Effort

We’re human – sometimes we just make things more complicated than they need to be. Or, we take on the beliefs of those around us, listen to all the “should's”, and end up spending our day on a whole list of tasks that actually don’t benefit us at all. This applies in life and in business. How often do you stop and ask yourself why you’re doing something and how it’s benefiting you?

When you start to simplify what you do in your life, you end up achieving more with less effort. This also improves how you feel about your life as your focus shifts to what’s really important to you and your family.


3. Improve Finances, Health And More

When you simplify your life, you’re essentially removing the excess that’s not really adding to your life. It can depend on what you choose to focus on, but it can benefit your finances, physical health and mental wellbeing.

By focusing on what’s important, you could find that your stress levels reduce, and your blood pressure improves. It will also help to eliminate things that are draining your bank account without giving you any benefit in return.

Of course, the exact results that you get can depend on which areas and how much of your life you choose to simplify. But one thing’s for sure, there’s no negative consequences of giving it a go. No one really says that they regret making their life, home or work simple. You only stand to gain! Later in the month, we’ll be looking at ways in which you can get started, but for now, let me know in the comments which area of your life would you like to simplify.


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Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at for more information.


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