Jan 08, 2024

January, with its chilly days and post-holiday lull, often brings with it a case of the blues. It's a time when the festive cheer has faded, and the reality of our routines sets back in. But here’s the good news: even amidst these blues, we can find ways to thrive and maintain a positive mindset. Let’s explore why January can feel so challenging and, more importantly, how we can counteract this with effective strategies.


Understanding The January Blues

Why does January hit us so hard? For many of us, it's a combination of factors. The excitement of the holidays has...

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Dec 25, 2023

As we stand on the brink of 2024, it's crucial to acknowledge that even the best-laid plans can take unexpected turns, especially when you’re a mum or mumpreneur. Life has a way of throwing curveballs, and as moms and mumpreneurs, we're all too familiar with the unexpected twists that can redefine our plans. The key to triumph in the coming year lies not in avoiding change but in embracing it with strategies that fortify our resilience and steer us towards purposeful growth. It's not the absence of challenges that defines us; it's our ability to adapt and navigate change that paves...

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Dec 11, 2023

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, it's the perfect time to harness the power of intention and start envisioning the life you want to live in 2024. In this blog post, we’re sharing how you can embark on the exciting journey of crafting a vision for the year ahead—one that aligns your personal and professional aspirations, creating a roadmap for a fulfilling and balanced life. Let’s get started with the vision.


Envisioning Your Ideal Life

Close your eyes and imagine the possibilities that 2024 holds for you. What does success look like in both your...

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Nov 27, 2023

Hello, amazing mums! The holiday season is approaching, and we all know what that means—baking, decorating, and a dash of holiday chaos. But what if this year, we turned that hectic to-do list into a chance to make heartwarming memories with our little ones? November is the perfect month to get a head start on Christmas preparations, and there's no reason we can't make it a family affair. Here are some engaging activities that not only prepare you for the holidays but also provide invaluable family bonding time.


DIY Christmas Decorations

Why settle for store-bought...

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Nov 13, 2023

Let’s face it—these are challenging times. With inflation rising and the economy feeling a bit shaky, it’s perfectly natural to worry about how to make the holidays special without adding financial stress. The good news is, a joyful Christmas doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. In fact, in our experience, it’s often the more financially challenging ones that hold the most precious memories as you’re forced to think outside the box to create special moments. Here’s how you can make the most of your holiday budget while ensuring this season...

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Oct 23, 2023

As we navigate through the maze of holiday planning, shopping, and social commitments, it's easy to lose sight of what we genuinely want our Christmas to be. It's a season that often comes loaded with expectations—both self-imposed and societal. Whether you're a mum looking to create magical memories for your children or a mumpreneur trying to juggle the demands of the season alongside running a business, it’s crucial to take a step back and think about what you truly want from this Christmas. Here's a guide to help you focus on what really matters to you this holiday season.


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Oct 09, 2023

As we inch closer to the holiday season, the daily juggle of family, household, and possibly a business can feel increasingly overwhelming. Whether you're a stay-at-home mum or a mumpreneur, simplifying daily tasks is key to freeing up time for a more joyous and less stressful holiday season. Here's a guide to help you declutter your schedule and focus on what truly matters.


Identifying tasks for simplification

First off, assess your daily tasks to identify those that can be simplified or even automated. You would be surprised how many things we continue doing the same way out of...

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Sep 25, 2023

This month, we've explored how September represents our "second New Year" - a perfect time to implement insights from our summer reflections into meaningful change. But how can we bring some of that holiday spirit into our everyday life?

It's time to get creative and put some fresh, exciting strategies into practice. In the past, we’ve shared strategies such as setting SMART goals, creating priorities and plans, and celebrating successes to help you make changes. But in today’s post, we wanted to share some unique and enjoyable ways to ensure your daily life carries that...

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Sep 11, 2023

With summer in the rearview mirror, now is a fantastic time to think back on what the slower pace and relaxation of the holidays have taught us. Did you notice certain things that made you feel more balanced, happier, or more fulfilled? These golden nuggets of insight can guide us towards our ideal life balance, and that’s what we’re discussing in this blog post.


For some of us, the summer months offered a chance to spend quality time with our children, reconnect with our partners, or simply enjoy a well-deserved break. Maybe you discovered a new passion or rekindled an...

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Aug 28, 2023

So far in August, we’ve learnt about planning ahead and letting go. Now, as we soak up the last of the summer rays, let's dive into the final piece of our summer survival puzzle: figuring out what truly matters and pouring our energy into those areas. And yes, this involves ditching some of your less important tasks!

You're probably wondering, what exactly counts as 'less important' tasks? Simply put, these are tasks that, if left undone or done less often, wouldn't significantly affect your business or personal life.


Spotting The Less Important Tasks

But how can you spot...

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