Finding Your Ideal Life Balance: A Post-Summer Reflection!
Sep 11, 2023

With summer in the rearview mirror, now is a fantastic time to think back on what the slower pace and relaxation of the holidays have taught us. Did you notice certain things that made you feel more balanced, happier, or more fulfilled? These golden nuggets of insight can guide us towards our ideal life balance, and that’s what we’re discussing in this blog post.


For some of us, the summer months offered a chance to spend quality time with our children, reconnect with our partners, or simply enjoy a well-deserved break. Maybe you discovered a new passion or rekindled an old one. Perhaps you learned that you thrive at a slower pace, or that you crave more variety or creativity in your life. After all, summer is often a time when we try out new hobbies or activities.

Now, as we slide back into our routines, it's essential to carry these insights forward. Consider what made your summer special. These special moments will typically be the memories that stay with you. As you think of them, you will feel warm, and a smile will appear on your face. Take note of these moments and consider what it was about them that lit you up. Then ask yourself what aspects you can incorporate into your everyday life. It could be as simple as setting aside some time each day for a new hobby, or creating more flexible working hours so you can attend your child's afternoon football matches. Remember, success is made up of small, incremental steps, not an overnight change.

For mumpreneurs, summer might have given you a chance to step back and look at your business from a different angle. You may have found that diversifying your product line or offering more flexible services makes you happier and your business more successful. Or, maybe you found that working fewer hours gave you more energy and creativity. Remember, longer hours working doesn’t necessarily equate to achieving more or increasing success! Once you’ve identified what made business a happier affair for you over the summer months, consider how you can apply these realisations to your business strategy on a more permanent basis.

Achieving our ideal life balance isn't about making drastic changes or pursuing perfection. It's about tuning into our needs and desires and making adjustments that align with them. This might mean saying 'no' more often to preserve your personal time, or setting boundaries with your work hours to ensure you're present with your family.

Remember, this journey to balance is just that—a journey. It's not a destination you'll arrive at overnight. But by reflecting on our summer experiences, we can bring a bit of that summer bliss into our daily lives, no matter what season it is.

So, as you settle into the rhythm of the new school year, I encourage you to hold onto the insights from your summer reflections. Let them guide your decisions and actions as you strive for your unique and beautiful balance. Because you deserve a life that feels as restful and joyful as a perfect summer day. And if you need support in doing that, get in touch to find out how we can help.


Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at for more information.


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