Sep 28, 2015

Today in the UK, women have greater freedom than ever before to be independent and self-sufficient. This is enabling us to live multiple chapters in our lives and we are fulfilling our dreams time and time again. No dream is too big, too small or too late. The possibilities are endless and the results are inspiring.

Dreaming is a beautiful experience. The idea of desiring something that is all of your own making is highly motivating. Imagine if you could turn that vision into reality: what would your life look like? One of the greatest blessings of 21st century living is that women are...

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Sep 14, 2015

Self-belief is a powerful motivator and can contribute to improving your lifestyle and wellbeing immeasurably. From how you act to how you feel, it’s important to radiate confidence. You will see the difference it makes to how you are perceived by those around you. Everyone is the sum of their parts and it takes all these ingredients to make you the woman you are. Believing in your own abilities will help you on the path to achieving your daily or lifelong goals.

You’re a mum, a partner, a daughter and a friend, and each of these roles require a different set of skills. To...

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Aug 24, 2015

The summer holidays can be such a fun time for families with lots of trips planned and exciting things to do. However, it isn’t always necessary to organise activities for every waking hour and sometimes it’s better to let your children entertain you! Here are some great ideas to help you enjoy family time without wearing out your batteries!

Make Believe Magic
Encourage your children to explore their imagination by asking them to create their own games and fun things to do indoors and out. It may be that they choose to create new characters and a make believe world....

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Jun 29, 2015

You know what you’re capable of achieving and how your personal success can impact on all aspects of your life. Be confident in yourself and your own accomplishments. If you are happy with yourself, everyone will know, as your wellbeing is reflected in everything you do. By building on your own triumphs, you can create a life that you’re proud to live and of which your family is happy to belong.

What Life’s About
We all know what we want from life or do we? How many of us can say we want ‘this’, ‘this’ and ‘this’, and we want them in...

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Jun 08, 2015

The most important thing about setting out to achieve your goals is to keep taking steps forward. But it is not about doing everything to a formula: there are no hard and fast rules as to how to achieve success. With your hectic day-to-day life as a mum, you already know all about being flexible. You are able to adapt easily when the need unexpectedly arises and ongoing positive progress will drive you on. If you feel you’re always taking steps forward no matter how small the step, you will find that this is a powerful motivator to achieve your aspirations and so much more.

Across The...

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May 11, 2015

We’ve all been there. You’re doing too much, things are getting on top of you, there’s no end in sight and your life seems to be an endless merry-go-round of activities, car journeys, meals and sleep. Where will it all end? You’re burning up your energy, your emotional reserves and not allowing yourself some respite to recharge your batteries. Here are some thoughts on buffering against a burnout.

Know Your Limits
Perhaps the most difficult aspect of burnout is actually acknowledging that you may be approaching that situation in your own mind. If you think you may be...

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Mar 23, 2015

Are you tired with your never-ending lists of chores and responsibilities? Is your world spinning a little too fast? Here are some quick ways you can reclaim order and enjoy a simpler and happier life!

1. Choose five values that are really important to you. Find ways every day to move towards living in accordance with your own beliefs.

2. Align your commitments with your values. Are they working in harmony? Cut the commitments that do little to enhance your quality of life.

3. Focus on each task on your to do list individually whenever possible. Although we women are great multi-taskers,...

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Jan 12, 2015

The best way to make any changes to your lifestyle is by taking small steps. Be it getting more exercise, changing your diet or altering the amount of time your family spends together, it’s always going to be easier to do it in stages. Choose simple goals that can be introduced into your routine reasonably quickly to help you form lasting habits that have a positive impact on your life.

Everyone copes with change differently. You may need to alter your routine gradually, mixing it up to achieve the final outcome. Alternatively, you may adopt a more regimented approach, with a defined...

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Oct 27, 2014

A lack of time and an endless list of responsibilities can influence the way you feel about yourself and the world around you. It is one of the core challenges of motherhood. Feeling overwhelmed with a relentless amount of tasks at home or work has a direct impact on the way you cope, feel about yourself and your overall sense of self-worth and achievement. Yet when asked about giving up some of these roles and responsibilities, many mums become reluctant to do so. The simple fact is, being busy makes us feel alive! The trick, therefore, is to manage your busy schedule so it becomes a...

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Oct 13, 2014

If you are living a chaotic and demanding lifestyle, always remember you are not alone! Mums everywhere constantly juggle roles and responsibilities whilst endeavouring to raise happy and confident children. As the storm of life rages around you, find calm and tranquillity by following these tried and tested tips!

Hone Your Routine Creating a well-considered schedule will enable you and your family to live in a more structured and stable environment. With careful planning and meticulous preparation, the frenzied mornings and late nights will evaporate into an aura of peace and calm! Prepare...

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