May 23, 2011

Mum: “You are special”

Child: “Why?”

Mum: “Because You’re You!”

How many times have you had this conversation with your child? Other favourite mum/child phrases are:

“I love you just the way you are.”

“Just be yourself and you’ll be fine.”

“Be yourself: you can do this!”

Mums seem to be desperate for their children to celebrate who they are and their special qualities. So why can’t you think this way about yourself?

Women tend to struggle with an idealised form of perfection, which in turn makes it...

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May 09, 2011

Having little self-confidence can significantly impact your life by causing isolation and unfulfilled ambition. We work with mums to help them overcome issues relating to low self-esteem so they can become happy, confident women. Such coaching sessions adopt a step-by-step approach taken at the mum’s own pace so she can be sure she is putting in place realistic ways to live confidently.

If you were considering contacting us about a coaching programme to help increase your self-confidence, we would love to hear from you. In the meantime we would like to share some tips that may help...

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Apr 25, 2011

This month we have focused on the benefits de-cluttering can bring. Not only can a good clear out create more space for the family but it can also clear your mind of all the associated stress and anxiety caused by a disorganised environment.

All too often, as with most of our mum-related responsibilities, we like to think we can cope with the huge and daunting task of de-cluttering our homes. If you, like many women, are under the impression you must do everything yourself in order to achieve Supermum status (a ridiculously stressful and non-existing aspiration), think again!

Asking others...

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Apr 11, 2011

The accumulation of clutter can be caused by a need to justify wastefulness. Over the years, possessions have been bought that are no longer useful or needed but they still lurk in homes, taking up vital space. Many people find it difficult to do away with such items, be it furniture, clothes or toys, simply because hard-earned cast was spent – or wasted – on their acquisition. Hence the concept of Guilt Fuelled Hoarding begins. People find it difficult to part with their unwanted possessions because it makes them feel guilty for wasting money.

If you find yourself in this...

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Mar 07, 2011

On March 8th 2011, women throughout the world will be celebrating International Women’s Day. This year sees the centenary of the global day, which celebrates the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future.

The last century has seen women throughout the world dedicated to making significant changes to improve the lives of women. Without these changes, the rights we have as women in this country would be very different. This special day reminds us all of this and the great work so many women continue to do for a huge variety of causes. In many...

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Feb 28, 2011

Do you find you are constantly attending to the needs of others and never addressing your own? If you continually give in to the demands of others but would like to start fulfilling your own needs, freeing up your time and taking care of yourself, then now is a good time to learn the power of saying ‘No’. 

Saying ‘no’ to someone can be daunting and difficult to do but if what is being asked of you will take up your valuable time or you feel uncomfortable taking on such a request, you should be feel confident enough to refuse them.

Of course there are many ways...

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Feb 14, 2011

Have you ever wondered who THEY are? 

  • THEY say we must follow this trend
  • THEY say we should never give our children treats
  • THEY say we should burn ourselves out in a quest to become superwomen

Who is this mysterious lot and how did they write such a ridiculous (invisible) rulebook that everyone seems anxious to follow? Why do we put ourselves under so much pressure to follow THEIR rules?

Well, here’s an idea: a challenge if you like. Why don’t you throw out these extreme notions of social conformity – that are actually non-existent – and live life according to...

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Jan 10, 2011

It is only early in January but how many of you have given up on or forgotten about the resolutions you made on the 1st of the month? Don’t worry you won’t be alone! Rather than dwell on the resolutions you are struggling with, why not identify how to make a success of your true life goals?

Goal setting for success and making up resolutions at the end of a party night are two very different things! You will only set yourself up for failure if you try to achieve the impossible. Usually, a New Year resolution list will look something like this:


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Dec 27, 2010

In recent blogs, we have discussed the importance of reflection at year-end. It gives us the opportunity to review what we have achieved, what we feel good about, what we want to do again and the things we would like to improve upon next year. We would like to share with you some of the great moments Empowering Mums experienced this year and, more importantly, the fantastic successes our many mums have enjoyed this year by taking part in our various personalised coaching programmes!

It’s A Boy!
This year began with the arrival of Jack Vaughan, a new son to Kathryn our marketing...

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Nov 08, 2010

In this month’s Empower, we discussed the benefit of having a strict budget that would enable you to enjoy Christmas 2010 without worrying about overspending. In addition to budgeting, we’d like to share some more great ideas about how to survive Christmas without breaking the bank.

Homemade Decorations And Gifts
Christmas should be all about enjoying quality family time. A great way to do this during the run up to Christmas is to make and share lots of festive crafts. Simply collect pine cones, acorns and such like, spray them silver and gold, and hey presto you have some...

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