Feb 13, 2017

This month’s newsletter covered resolutions and the fact that most are broken by 15th January every year due to a lack of willpower but perhaps more likely a lack of planning for success. Often the changes we want to make require a huge shift and it’s always easier to fall back into old habits than make new ones.

What can we do to help ourselves set goals we actually follow through with? The key to this is clarity. You may be clear that your goal is one that is for you rather than a ‘should’ goal. You may be satisfied there are some benefits to your goal, it’s...

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Jan 23, 2017

In my last post I spoke about getting clear on your Inspirational Vision and making sure it was what you wanted rather than what you thought you should want. I also explained the importance of your vision being in line with your core values in order for it to inspire you into action.

With the help of that blog, you should now have your Inspirational Vision in place. The next step is to work backwards from the end result to help you create the action plan and milestones that will lead you to achieve the success you want throughout 2017.

Hopefully, you are feeling highly motivated,...

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Dec 12, 2016

At the start of every year many people attempt to make good resolutions that will help them achieve specific, longed for goals. Yet as the year progresses, other aspects of life get in the way. Often we can blame our workload and the children’s ever increasing activities; things that are time driven and cannot simply be ignored or set aside for another time. Yet amidst the chaos of family life, there are ways you can prioritise your needs and successfully accomplish your goals. So, will 2017 be the year you make it happen?

When life is so hectic, it can seem the easiest option to let...

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Oct 24, 2016

Courage helps you to grow. It enables you to stand up to your doubts and fears so you can achieve your goals and realise your tremendous capabilities. Being courageous gives you the impetus to go out there and succeed; you will feel more confident, in control, passionate and optimistic about creating the life you want and deserve!

Courage plays a huge part of our ‘mother bear’ make up. Your drive to support your child, no matter what, is born out of your ability to be courageous. It’s the one emotion on which you can rely to get through life’s most challenging...

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Oct 10, 2016

In my latest edition of Empower (subscribe here), I discussed the three core obstacles that have revealed themselves to mums time and again during the hundreds of coaching sessions I have facilitated over the last nine years. As mentioned in that newsletter, it may surprise you to learn that these obstacles are in no way related to energy, time or money. I refer to them as the 3 Cs and I can help you to successfully overcome them all, supporting you to achieve your dreams and so much more! This month, I am focusing on the first of the 3 Cs, which is courage. Being courageous is directly...

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Sep 26, 2016

Throughout September, I have been focusing on the dreams and aspirations mums visualise during the calm of a family break. Often these thoughts for the future end up by the wayside when ‘normality’ resumes. Yet you can change this and create a new reality for you and your family that reflects the lifestyle you truly want and deserve.

To do so, you can start by taking your ‘dream’ and turn it into a ‘goal’. A simple change of mind-set is incredibly powerful and can change your life! With a goal, you can create a plan of action and begin to enjoy the...

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Jul 11, 2016

Being able to define your core personal values is important, as they go a long way to making up who you are and what you believe to be right. Knowing your values and your true worth can help to build your self-belief and confidence. Even if in your mind you know you’re a confident and strong person, other people must see it as well to be aware of it. Identifying your core values and playing to your strengths will help you deal with whatever life throws at you in your family life and elsewhere.

Your personal core values are the principals, beliefs and attitudes that guide and reinforce...

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Jun 27, 2016

Self-belief is a powerful thing. If you can instil self-belief in yourself and base your actions on your personal values, your life will become more fulfilled and happier. A more confident you will be able to take on more challenges, step outside your comfort zone, experience new and exciting opportunities, and embrace life. You and your family will benefit from having a more self-assured mum. If this sounds great, what’s stopping you from believing in yourself and your capabilities without fear or worry?

To overcome a lack of confidence and feelings of vulnerability, focus on...

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Jun 13, 2016

Your comfort zone may feel like a safe haven but for all its security, it is limiting you. Identifying the parameters of your comfort zone will help you push the boundaries so you can explore new opportunities that could create a more fulfilled and happier life for you and your family. Only by stepping out of your comfort zone can you begin to believe in your true potential.

Nice And Safe
Everyone feels vulnerable outside of their comfort zone. The old familiar ways seem best because you want everything to be stable, normal and safe. Yet this may mean life has become dull and average,...

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May 23, 2016

Knowing your self-worth is priceless. How you see yourself when you look in the mirror is a true reflection of who you are. You want to see a confident, capable person, ready to face the world and tackle anything and everything that’s thrown at you. But does anyone see that when they look in the mirror? And if they do, are they kidding themselves?

Your True Worth
To maintain and nurture your own health and wellbeing, you need to acknowledge your true worth. Introduce quality self-care and time-out for you into your weekly routine. Identify the areas on which you would like to spend...

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