Apr 22, 2024

In our quest for connection, we often focus on building relationships with others, forgetting that a crucial aspect of connection starts within ourselves. As mums and mumpreneurs, amidst the hustle of parenting, managing a business, and tending to the needs of those around us, it’s all too easy to overlook the importance of connecting with our own inner selves. This blog post serves as a reminder that nurturing your inner self is as crucial as the connections we forge with others, playing a vital role in our overall well-being. Let’s delve into practices that can help you...

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Apr 08, 2024

When we think of ‘connection’, we often think of connecting with other people. But it goes much further than this. During and post pandemic, many have found themselves craving the outdoor world. They feel a need to be in nature. In a world where we’re often surrounded by screens and confined within walls, reconnecting with nature offers a refreshing escape and a unique way to foster connections – both with the environment and with each other. For mums and mumpreneurs, finding moments of tranquillity in nature can be a rejuvenating experience, offering a welcome...

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Mar 11, 2024

As we embrace the themes of growth and renewal this March, it’s pertinent to address a constant companion on this journey – change. For mums and mumpreneurs, change is often a given, whether it’s in our personal lives or professional endeavours. Understanding and navigating through these changes can be pivotal in our growth. Let’s explore how we can adapt to and grow from these inevitable shifts in our lives.


The Essence Of Change

Change, by its very nature, is transformative and can be a powerful driver for personal and professional growth. It pushes us out...

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Jan 08, 2024

January, with its chilly days and post-holiday lull, often brings with it a case of the blues. It's a time when the festive cheer has faded, and the reality of our routines sets back in. But here’s the good news: even amidst these blues, we can find ways to thrive and maintain a positive mindset. Let’s explore why January can feel so challenging and, more importantly, how we can counteract this with effective strategies.


Understanding The January Blues

Why does January hit us so hard? For many of us, it's a combination of factors. The excitement of the holidays has...

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Jul 24, 2023

Resilience is a great trait to have. But how do we develop it in the first place? In our previous blog post, we identified the key elements which lead to resilience: a positive mindset, adaptability, perseverance, and self-care. In this blog post, we dive into the specifics of how we can cultivate these traits as well as how they can help us as mums and mumpreneurs.


Element 1: Cultivating a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is an essential part of resilience, and fostering it involves a conscious effort to focus on the bright side of every situation. To nurture this perspective,...

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Jul 10, 2023

Imagine running a successful business was like baking a cake. You would gather your ingredients, follow a recipe, and if all goes well, you will end up with a delicious result. Now, what if I told you that the same could apply to resilience? Yes, just like baking, building resilience can be seen as a recipe, with different 'ingredients' coming together to create your unique 'Resilience Cake'.

So, what are these ingredients for resilience, and how can we as mumpreneurs mix them together to serve up success amid change? Let’s explore.


Ingredient 1: A Positive Mindset


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Apr 24, 2023

Ever felt like you just want to step off the treadmill for a minute? For the world to stop spinning and give you time to take a breath? The life of a mum or mumpreneur is busy. But that doesn’t mean every minute needs to be so. In fact, taking a few minutes to step out of the fast-paced world, to relax and recharge, can do you the world of good, leaving you feeling refreshed and revived. Forest bathing allows you to do exactly that. It’s a natural way to reduce stress and improve your well-being. But what is it? And how do you do it? Welcome to your introduction to forest...

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Apr 10, 2023

We know only too well that for busy mums and mumpreneurs, finding time to get outdoors and connect with nature can be a challenge. However, in this month’s newsletter, we saw how incorporating simple outdoor activities into your daily routine can have significant benefits for your physical and mental health. Many of these benefits are just what mums and mumpreneurs are seeking. But how can you incorporate the outdoors into your already busy life? We are sharing eleven simple ideas to help you get started. They may not all suit your lifestyle, but we think there’s something for...

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Feb 27, 2023

When you’re feeling completely overwhelmed, the last thing you want to hear are strategies which can help avoid these feelings. It’s too late for that. What you want is advice on what to do now or in that moment. It's important to remember that it's okay to feel overwhelmed and that there are steps you can take to help manage those feelings. In this blog we share some of the things you can do to reduce overwhelm and return to a sense of peace and calm.


1. Step Back

Sometimes, overwhelm hits us in a moment rather than it being something we feel continuously. When this...

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Feb 13, 2023

The best way to deal with overwhelm is to avoid it in the first place! As a mum or mumpreneur, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending demands of parenting, running a household, and work. Sometimes, all you can focus on is getting through the day. Any thoughts of moving closer to your goals or intentions are pushed to the back of your mind and priority list. But that doesn’t mean it’s impossible. It’s important to realise we’re not suggesting you do it all – that’s a recipe for disaster, too. However, we’re sharing a few ways in which...

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