Dec 17, 2012

Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [#MSMS]

Thank you for taking part in my Make The Most Of Your Time survey in October. On my blog last month, I offered some solutions to the challenges you have with managing your time.  I will now address the answers to the second part of my survey, which will help to bring order and routine to your life.

vi) Getting enough sleep is essential to boosting energy and recharging those batteries! I asked, on average, how much sleep do you get a night?

Just over half said you get between 6-8 hours sleep but that still leaves a lot of people struggling to...

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Oct 08, 2012

How familiar is this scene?

  • The kids refuse to listen and carry out your instructions
  • Your beautiful scatter cushions resemble Mount Everest – if only you could get to them for the Lego and Barbie dolls strewn in your way
  • You’ve just received another sales call about solar panels
  • The doorbell rings with a neighbour selling raffle tickets and you’ve no change to hand
  • Your toddler dropped your mobile phone, smashing the screen
  • You are about to serve dinner when your partner calls to say he’s just starting his commute home
  • The kids are playing up at bedtime, making you...
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Oct 01, 2012

Do you struggle to get everything done in the time you have? Do you find you do more of the things you dislike than the things you enjoy? Do you have little time for quality family fun and me time is something you only dream of? Does work and commitments outside of family life take up the majority of your time?

Achieving a harmonious life balance can be challenging but it is not impossible. Once you have created a better balance, you will feel in control of your life and its direction, have more energy to do the things you want to do and find you actually enjoy the various aspects of your...

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Oct 01, 2012

Mums' Struggles Made Simple [MSMS]

Most mums I meet struggle to find enough time to do all the things they need and want to do. It is one of the greatest challenges most mums face, and having to juggle so many different roles and responsibilities leaves them experiencing a range of emotions including frustration, guilt and resentment. 

If you struggle with time management and it often leaves you feeling unhappy, this quarter’s Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [MSMS] can help to improve your situation. I would like to invite you to complete this survey so I can understand the...

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Sep 17, 2012

Mums' Struggles Made Simple [#MSMS]

Thank you to those mums who took part in my Life Balance survey in July. I recently offered solutions to some of the challenges you are currently facing on my blog in August. I will now cover the answers you gave to the second half of the survey, providing some valuable tips and solutions that will enable you to begin finding your ideal life balance.

vi) I asked about the emotional side of your current routine and whether you feel like you miss out on quality time with your family. 70% of participants replied that when life gets hectic this is certainly...

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Jul 25, 2012

So many mums tend to sacrifice their own needs to support those of their children and partner. This seems to be done without giving it a second thought and for most women, it is an automatic response. So why, when mums are so willing to support others, do they find it so difficult to address and fulfil their own needs?

No free time
This is an extremely common answer. Mums tend to attempt to complete all their duties before even considering taking a moment to enjoy some ‘me time’. Yet without it, energy levels will become depleted and your aspirations will drift by unfulfilled....

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Jul 23, 2012

So many mums come to me and say, “There aren’t enough hours in the day!” It can be so difficult juggling work commitments and family life but it can be done simply by valuing your time and using it wisely!

Realise you cannot do everything at once and acknowledge that there are areas that may waste your time! Addressing these two issues will free up time you had lost so you can spend it in a way that works for you.

Every day mums face a different set of challenges and our minds get cluttered with everything we have to consider. Try to break your day down into set hours in...

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Jul 23, 2012

Having the self-belief to achieve your greatest dreams can be totally empowering. However, so many mums place obstacles in the way that must be overcome in order to make their goals a reality. The most common obstacle mums tend to experience is the concern about what others may think of them.

When you’re making decisions, do you find yourself wondering what others would do if they were in your shoes? If you’re making home improvements, do you try to create the same environment as the homes of your friends and family? Do you struggle to do your own thing or is it too difficult to...

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Jul 09, 2012

When you set up your business it is probable you did it to ensure you had the required flexibility to be there when your family needed you. Of course as businesses get busier and more demanding, this flexibility can be challenged. Here are some great tips to ensuring you fully enjoy your family life whilst managing a successful business.

Work To Core Hours

If you can, keep the time you spend working to key core hours that work for you and your family. If you cannot commit to a more specific working schedule i.e. 9.15-2.30 on a Monday, plan a normal week’s schedule template outlining...

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Jul 02, 2012

Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [MSMS]

Enjoying the ideal life balance that works to make you happy and fulfilled is wonderful. Suddenly everything seems to be working in harmony and you can enjoy life. When life is imbalanced because of clashing routines and lack of time, life can seem frustrating and stressful.

If you feel like your life balance needs attention, this quarter’s Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [MSMS] can help. I would like to invite you to complete this survey so I can understand the issues and challenges you face when it comes to finding the right life...

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