Nov 10, 2014

When you juggle a dozen different responsibilities as a busy mumpreneur, the added extras brought on by the holiday season could see you reaching the limit! Most working mums feel harassed by the onset of the festivities but hopefully these tips will help you to manage your additional workload and enjoy a stress-free Christmas.

Carefully plan and schedule your responsibilities collectively so you don’t forget essential tasks. A great way to do this is by making a list. Include everything you have to do and allocate a deadline to each. Don’t forget seasonal business tasks, such...

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Oct 27, 2014

A lack of time and an endless list of responsibilities can influence the way you feel about yourself and the world around you. It is one of the core challenges of motherhood. Feeling overwhelmed with a relentless amount of tasks at home or work has a direct impact on the way you cope, feel about yourself and your overall sense of self-worth and achievement. Yet when asked about giving up some of these roles and responsibilities, many mums become reluctant to do so. The simple fact is, being busy makes us feel alive! The trick, therefore, is to manage your busy schedule so it becomes a...

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Sep 15, 2014

How many of these titles do you represent? Mum, wife, partner, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, neighbour. I’m sure most of you reading this blog could tick off all eight roles, agreeing that each one provides an enormous sense of satisfaction. However, collectively these roles can bring confusion, frustration and destruction to your life. So how can you ensure these roles don’t collide, allowing you to live in harmony with the real you?

Identifying or reaffirming your priorities will empower you to spend your time doing what you want and need to do, rather than what others...

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Aug 25, 2014

In today’s age of outstanding technological advancements, it is nigh on impossible to go twenty-four hours without interacting with some screen or other! It is shocking to consider how much time we and our children spend watching television, working on laptops and playing on games consoles. Of course we live in a modern world and we all need to keep up with the latest technology has to offer but wouldn’t it be great to spend some quality time doing something that doesn’t involve a screen?

Ready, Steady, Bake
Baking as a family is a fun thing to do. Everyone can get...

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Aug 11, 2014

When you have a family, it can be incredibly difficult to maintain an active lifestyle. Something always seems to crop up and gets in the way of you and a Metafit class! Increasing your levels of activity will give you more, much-needed energy, which is why it is so frustrating to miss a planned gym session.

For many mums, exercise is a release. Going to the gym or for a swim enables you to recharge your batteries through effective exercise. Scheduling time to care for your own wellbeing is an essential aspect of being a confident and happy mum. To ensure you remain fit even when a trip to...

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Aug 11, 2014

The summer holidays bring their own distinct set of challenges to the lives of mumpreneurs everywhere! Suddenly you have lots more things to squeeze into your schedule, leaving you feeling overloaded and wrung out! Here are some great tips to help you enjoy your children and work, whilst making time for much-needed fun!

Plan Of Action Always schedule your time so you and your children will know when you are working. During these scheduled hours, try to remain focused and get as much work as possible done. Incentivise yourself by promising the family a fun treat if you manage to meet or beat...

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Apr 28, 2014

So many mumpreneurs ask me how they can improve their productivity when working from home. Creating an ultra-organised working environment is always my answer and here are some great tips to help you get started.

Don’t Mix Business With Pleasure

Create a home office away from the rest of your family’s living space. This will give you a physical divide that you can all respect. It also enables you to get on with your work without being distracted by household chores.

Invest In Technology

Don’t let slow internet connections and unreliable PCs slow you down! Invest in...

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Mar 10, 2014

“What others think of me is none of my business.”
Wayne Dyer

If you find yourself worrying about what others think about what you say, how you tackle the housework, what you wear and how you raise your kids, it is little wonder you’re feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and frustrated with life! By choosing to live by other people’s views, values and opinions, you’re setting yourself up for a very dull, difficult and unhappy life. However, you can start living in accordance with your own ideals, aspirations and values simply by realising what is important to you!


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Feb 10, 2014

Clutter can leave you feeling overwhelmed and when you consider organising your space, you may not know how or where to start! The decision to continue living in such chaotic surroundings or to begin sorting out the various areas of your home is entirely your own. Yet de-cluttering can bring a tremendous sense of relief and achievement. Creating an organised home environment provides a place in which you can feel calm and content.

De-cluttering involves simplifying your surroundings; deciding what you want to keep and allocating an appropriate space for it. Although it might seem an...

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Jan 13, 2014

At the start of a New Year, it is customary to make resolutions for a better life. Of course such traditions often lead to unachievable goals being set that do not fit practically with busy lifestyles. Yet realistic resolutions made at the start of the year – the goals that you really want to achieve – are highly motivating and valuable. Setting realistic goals will help you achieve the life you really want and give you something on which you can focus and work towards over the coming months. The key to successful resolutions is actually straight forward:

  • Identify what you...
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