Top Time Management Tips
Nov 14, 2011

Life as a busy mumpreneur can be hectic, daunting and downright stressful. However, there is one solution to keeping abreast of your various roles and responsibilities, keeping ahead of the competition and keeping you sane! It’s good time management. Here are some tips to support you, your business and your life!

Maintain a to-do list at all times. Not only will this keep you on track, it will motivate you to finish every task. It’s a great way to put down on paper (or an electronic scheduling device!) everything you have to do, and it will help you to prioritise as well.

Set your business hours so you can plan exactly when you need to be at your most productive and your family will know when to give you the space you need. The initial scheduling of this time will enable you to organise all your other responsibilities around it, which is a very effective way to plan your week/month ahead. Schedule every aspect of your life into a diary: business planning, client time, networking, emails, calls, family schedules, personal appointments, exercise and chill out time. This will help you to complete each task in a focused way and you will know what you should be doing and when without having to remember everything.

Without effective scheduling you’ll become distracted and disorganised, reacting to situations without control and making life more difficult long-term. Prioritise your tasks. Stop putting off difficult tasks: this will lead to missed opportunities. Ensure your high priority tasks get completed before the lower priority ones, even if they take more time to complete.

Break down your tasks so they are less daunting and more manageable. If it helps, have an action check list for each task. That way you can tick off each action as you work through to accomplish the task. Take a break. If you work from home it is easy to find yourself at your desk or computer at every spare moment.

Giving yourself a night off once in a while will help you to relax and recharge, and re-ignite your positivity and focus. Remember you are only human and there are only twenty-four hours in a day! Don’t think you can get everything completed if you stay glued to your computer! You have a family to care for, a house to run and a business to manage. Most importantly, you also have a woman to look after – you!

Don’t get burnt out – use these tips to get organised so you can proactively create the life you really want and deserve!

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