Review Your Goals
Dec 12, 2011

We all understand the importance of setting goals in business. It enables you to drive your businesses forward and provides tangible targets to work towards. It is therefore good working practice to review your goals regularly: to clarify your progress, to identify what is left to do and to celebrate your achievement.

Regardless of how complex or time-consuming the attainment of your goal may be, checking in and reviewing its status will help focus your mind and readjust any plans, if necessary. It is worth doing this regularly so you can change course if other factors are delaying progress.

Create an effective reviewing process

Your goals should be built into your business plan. This is the most obvious way to clearly define your targets. You can return to this document and create a tracking matrix that enables you to break down each goal into smaller tasks with specific deadlines and relevant commentary. Each can then be ticked off as you accomplish it. What is great about having a tracker is that you can easily update it depending on external influences such as current market trends, economic influences, buying power and so on.

Question your progress

If you’ve stalled or a goal is taking longer to achieve than expected, identify why this is happening. What has caused this delay? Why is it a struggle? What can you do to make its attainment easier? Is this a realistic goal? Does it still relate to your current business vision?

Ensure your goal is relevant

Business owners often set goals at the start of the year. However it makes sense to review your plan much more regularly. A quick check of progress should be made each month to ensure you are on target. This will ensure each goal is still relevant to your overall business strategy. For each goal ask yourself if it is still something you want to achieve or is it less important to the overall plan. It is okay to disregard goals if they no longer provide sound benefits for you and your business.

Support your achievement Don’t think achieving goals equates solely to blood, sweat and tears! You should be strategic in your attainment of your goals. Once you have set out your strategy, you can alter various factors as you work through each task. Don’t be worried about changing elements of your goal plan including deadlines, cost and resources. If you need to increase spend or bring in more help in order to achieve your goal, do so if this is a viable and affordable option.

Avoid the fear of failure

If the fear of failure is holding you back, identify what it is you dread most. These are your goals and you shouldn’t fear them. If a goal is important to you and vital to your business success but carries some uncertainty, break it down into much smaller targets that are less daunting. Focus on each individually so you avoid becoming engrossed in the overall goal.

Acknowledge your victories Often when reviewing goals we dwell on what hasn’t been achieved. Acknowledge everything you have worked towards and accomplished so far, including all the small steps along the way. Reward yourself for this success, as it will spur you on to achieve new aspirations for you and your business!

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