Maximise Your Space
Feb 09, 2015

If you’re sharing a house with 2.4 children, a cat, dog and budgerigar, it is likely you’re a bit strapped for space. Here are some great ways to maximise your living area and enjoy a relaxed, organised home.

Cut The Clutter
It makes logical sense that if you’re struggling with space it is likely you have too many things. If your family has grown but your home hasn’t, it is inevitable you won’t have space for all the things you acquire. Give some real thought about the items you use regularly and what you could do without. Be ruthless and daring – get rid of all the things you never use, even on rainy days!

Double Whammy Over the years you may have accumulated duplicates of items, such as cooking utensils or pots and pans. You may also have furniture that is now redundant, such as a cot or changing table. In some rooms you might have too much furniture, which may be the case if your guest room has evolved into a playroom. Donate or sell items that have little use so you can make better room of the valuable space they are taking up.

Work Your Wardrobe Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have Carrie Bradshaw’s walk in wardrobe? Whilst she has an exclusive space saved for her Louboutin's, normal folk struggle to store tops, jeans, dresses, coats and shoes in their half of a standard wardrobe! I’d typically advise you to get rid of anything you haven’t worn for twelve months but if you find this too challenging, keep your wardrobe seasonal. In winter put all your summer clothes away in the attic or under a bed in a suitcase or similar. That way you will easily halve your wardrobe without having to throw away clothes you may need again in the future.

Maximising your space is about finding simple solutions that overcome your clutter chaos. Don’t be afraid to get rid of toys, clothes and furniture you no longer use. Recycle or sell them whenever possible to ensure you dispose of your unwanted possessions responsibly.

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