How To Avoid Overwhelm In The Home
Apr 13, 2020

In last week’s newsletter, we talked about how easy it is to get overwhelmed with everything that we have to do as mums or mumpreneurs. However, I also promised to help you avoid this with some recommended organisation systems. In this blog, we’re focused on the home and ways in which you and your family can get more organised and save time. Here are my top three systems.

1. Meal Planning

How many times have you hunted around in the fridge or freezer to find something for dinner? Or realised that you have a crucial ingredient missing? This can involve unnecessary trips to the shop that eat up your time and add stress to the family. There’s nearly always one child who doesn’t want to go!

You can save time and free up your brain from thinking about dinner each day with some simple meal planning. Once a week, you can sit down and plan out the meals for the week which then gives you your shopping list. You can save even more time by then ordering the food you need online and getting it delivered to your door.

Each day, you can just check your list for that day’s menu. You can even involve the whole family asking your partner and children what meals they would like included. It’s a simple but effective method for getting organised around food, meals and shopping!

2. Family Calendar

Have you ever had to cancel your plans at the last minute as you’ve suddenly realised there’s a clash with the activities of other family members? I know it’s happened numerous times in my household. The simple solution is a family wall calendar where you can all organise your schedules and see if mum or dad taxi is needed!

Set the rule, “if it’s not on the calendar, it’s not happening”! With the whole family’s commitments and activities laid out in one place it’s much easier to avoid any potential problems or clashes than it is to cross reference various calendars. Make sure you include all those dates you get sent from the school too!

3. Rota For Chores

Housework and chores can be incredibly boring but having a tidy and clean home can help you to feel more relaxed. It also doesn’t have to take you lots of time. The whole family can help out and if things are done regularly, they take less time to complete.

Introducing a rota for the chores can make sure that everyone does their bit and that the house stays organised. It also allows you to think about how things such as the laundry can best fit around the family’s schedule. This ensures there’s no panic that Jo’s football kit is still muddy and at the bottom of the basket on the morning of his match!

There are of course, many other types of organisation systems you can implement in your home but these three are a good start that can help you feel a difference straight away. Let me know which one you’re going to try, or, if you would like more personalised help, just get in touch to find out how I can help.

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Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

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