Find Your Ideal Life Balance!
Aug 20, 2012
Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [#MSMS]
Many thanks to all who took part in my Find Your Ideal Life Balance survey in July. It was useful for me to read your responses as I now have a very clear understanding of some of the specific challenges you face. I hope you find the solutions I provide to the first half of the survey practical and help you to start creating a much more balanced and enjoyable lifestyle.
i) Your working hours.
The majority of you who participated in this survey stated that you work on a part time basis for your employer, whilst a large proportion who responded also work full time. Juggling a career and family life is not easy as your time is so limited. Likewise, mums managing the home full-time can struggle, as more time is given attending your children’s needs with less time to spare to fulfil your own.
ii) I asked if you feel a sense of balance in your life.
An overwhelming 77% replied “No!” Finding and achieving a balance is so difficult in this fast paced modern world. Life is so demanding that this response came as no surprise. So let’s move on to assess how you can start to live a more structured, happier and fulfilled life.
iii) Do you enjoy your working life?
The good news here is that the majority of you answered that you do enjoy working. This is important because you spend so much time at work that it must be worthwhile and satisfying. However, many of you commented that although work helps to define your identity and gives you self-worth, it also comes at a price: a lack of time. Mums are still left juggling the school run, childcare needs and household chores. This is a familiar picture and here are some tips to help:
Be happy at work
There is little point going out to work if you hate your job! Identify the areas that leave you feeling stressed, unfulfilled and unappreciated. Speak to your manager to find out how you can improve these aspects and ask about other responsibilities you could take on to make you feel more satisfied in your role. Of course progressing with your career takes time but use the resources around you to make it a happier place. If you are not achieving some career goals, assess why this might be and discuss how you can overcome any obstacles with your management team. Although this may sound daunting, they are there to help you and having their support will enable you to work towards the goals they have set for you.
If your working environment is becoming a difficult place to be, you may need to look elsewhere for work. Although this is challenging in the current economic climate, it is not impossible. Keep your CV up to date and be ready to seize any opportunities that may come your way.
Share the load
Housework and childcare should not be your sole role if you’re in a partnership or have joint care of your children. At home, start sharing the chores and schedule them in to both your routines. Explain to your partner how you are feeling and, with their help, how you will feel much better if you have more time for family fun.
Stop vying for perfection
If you’ve a lot on, stop being so hard on yourself. So what if the lawn needs mowing or the carpets need vacuuming? Do what you can when you can. Prioritise tasks so your needs are fulfilled first: enjoying a walk, gym session or time with your partner will always be more rewarding than dusting!
iv) I asked about your childcare arrangements and how you feel about them.
I was pleased and encouraged to see that you all seem very happy with your childcare arrangements. This is so great as it is vital you are satisfied knowing your child is happy when you are away from them.
v) Do you have other responsibilities outside of work and home?
The majority of you don’t have specific responsibilities outside of your normal routine. By prioritising and scheduling your routine, you are able to fulfil your needs with self-care by eliminating your time wasters and identifying what it is you want to do with your time. Ensure you do the tasks that you want or need to do rather than less important chores (put down the duster and get your trainers on!). I have written some blogs on this topic to help you find the time you need. Please read my articles Making Time For You and Time And Mummy! for some great tips about making more time for you.
Some participants of the survey explained that they are single parents with sole responsibility of the children. This can make time an even more precious commodity. However, you can still make a change to your routine so that your health and wellbeing is looked after. If you can’t leave the kids for some evening exercise, incorporate some home fitness time when they are in bed. Doing a routine with a kettle bell or fitness DVD really can help you to achieve your fitness goals. You can also invite your friends to your house to catch up rather than going out. Try to arrange a monthly night with friends so you can feel part of the crowd again.
I hope these suggestions inspire and motivate you to start creating a more balanced lifestyle. Even if these suggestions don’t quite fit into what you want to do with your life, identify what you would like to do with your time and go for it! It will take some effort on your part initially as you make changes and commit to them but it is definitely worth it!
Thank you so much for taking part in my Find Your Ideal Life balance survey. I offer further support by hosting regular MSMS Call In Sessions, so if you are struggling with a particular challenge and would like further support on this or any other topic, you can call me and receive 15 minutes complimentary 1:1 laser coaching! August’s MSMS Call In Sessions will take place on Tuesday 21st August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm and Wednesday 22nd August, 8.30pm – 9.30pm. These sessions are arranged on a first come fist served basis, and if my line is busy please do call in again. Don’t miss out on taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity: contact me on             01606 334 015      !
Don’t forget to check back to my blog for the second part of MSMS on Monday 17th September when I will share some further tips and solutions for the remaining questions of my Find Your Ideal Life Balance survey.
Finally, I would like to invite you to download my signature e-Book, Confidence, Balance and Joy! Simply follow this link to download your free copy!
To keep up-to-date with all future references to Mums’ Struggles Made Simple #MSMS, please follow me on Twitter, Facebook and via e-mail!
Wishing you confidence, balance and joy.

Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [#MSMS]

Many thanks to all who took part in my Find Your Ideal Life Balance survey in July. It was useful for me to read your responses as I now have a very clear understanding of some of the specific challenges you face. I hope you find the solutions I provide to the first half of the survey practical and help you to start creating a much more balanced and enjoyable lifestyle.

i) Your working hours. The majority of you who participated in this survey stated that you work on a part time basis for your employer, whilst a large proportion who responded also work full time. Juggling a career and family life is not easy as your time is so limited. Likewise, mums managing the home full-time can struggle, as more time is given attending your children’s needs with less time to spare to fulfil your own.

ii) I asked if you feel a sense of balance in your life. An overwhelming 77% replied “No!” Finding and achieving a balance is so difficult in this fast paced modern world. Life is so demanding that this response came as no surprise. So let’s move on to assess how you can start to live a more structured, happier and fulfilled life.

iii) Do you enjoy your working life? The good news here is that the majority of you answered that you do enjoy working. This is important because you spend so much time at work that it must be worthwhile and satisfying. However, many of you commented that although work helps to define your identity and gives you self-worth, it also comes at a price: a lack of time. Mums are still left juggling the school run, childcare needs and household chores.

This is a familiar picture and here are some tips to help:

Be happy at work

There is little point going out to work if you hate your job! Identify the areas that leave you feeling stressed, unfulfilled and unappreciated. Speak to your manager to find out how you can improve these aspects and ask about other responsibilities you could take on to make you feel more satisfied in your role.

Of course progressing with your career takes time but use the resources around you to make it a happier place. If you are not achieving some career goals, assess why this might be and discuss how you can overcome any obstacles with your management team. Although this may sound daunting, they are there to help you and having their support will enable you to work towards the goals they have set for you. If your working environment is becoming a difficult place to be, you may need to look elsewhere for work.

Although this is challenging in the current economic climate, it is not impossible. Keep your CV up to date and be ready to seize any opportunities that may come your way.

Share the load

Housework and childcare should not be your sole role if you’re in a partnership or have joint care of your children. At home, start sharing the chores and schedule them in to both your routines. Explain to your partner how you are feeling and, with their help, how you will feel much better if you have more time for family fun.

Stop vying for perfection

If you’ve a lot on, stop being so hard on yourself. So what if the lawn needs mowing or the carpets need vacuuming? Do what you can when you can. Prioritise tasks so your needs are fulfilled first: enjoying a walk, gym session or time with your partner will always be more rewarding than dusting!

iv) I asked about your childcare arrangements and how you feel about them. I was pleased and encouraged to see that you all seem very happy with your childcare arrangements. This is so great as it is vital you are satisfied knowing your child is happy when you are away from them.

v) Do you have other responsibilities outside of work and home? The majority of you don’t have specific responsibilities outside of your normal routine. By prioritising and scheduling your routine, you are able to fulfil your needs with self-care by eliminating your time wasters and identifying what it is you want to do with your time. Ensure you do the tasks that you want or need to do rather than less important chores (put down the duster and get your trainers on!).

I have written some blogs on this topic to help you find the time you need. Please read my articles Making Time For You and Time And Mummy! for some great tips about making more time for you.

Some participants of the survey explained that they are single parents with sole responsibility of the children. This can make time an even more precious commodity. However, you can still make a change to your routine so that your health and wellbeing is looked after.

If you can’t leave the kids for some evening exercise, incorporate some home fitness time when they are in bed. Doing a routine with a kettle bell or fitness DVD really can help you to achieve your fitness goals. You can also invite your friends to your house to catch up rather than going out.

Try to arrange a monthly night with friends so you can feel part of the crowd again. I hope these suggestions inspire and motivate you to start creating a more balanced lifestyle.

Even if these suggestions don’t quite fit into what you want to do with your life, identify what you would like to do with your time and go for it! It will take some effort on your part initially as you make changes and commit to them but it is definitely worth it!

Thank you so much for taking part in my Find Your Ideal Life balance survey.

I offer further support by hosting regular MSMS Call In Sessions, so if you are struggling with a particular challenge and would like further support on this or any other topic, you can call me and receive 15 minutes complimentary 1:1 laser coaching!

August’s MSMS Call In Sessions will take place on Tuesday 21st August, 12.30pm – 1.30pm and Wednesday 22nd August, 8.30pm – 9.30pm.

These sessions are arranged on a first come fist served basis, and if my line is busy please do call in again.

Don’t miss out on taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity: contact me on 01606 334 015! Don’t forget to check back to my blog for the second part of MSMS on Monday 17th September when I will share some further tips and solutions for the remaining questions of my Find Your Ideal Life Balance survey.

Finally, I would like to invite you to download my signature e-Book, Confidence, Balance and Joy! Simply click here to download your free copy! To keep up-to-date with all future references to Mums’ Struggles Made Simple #MSMS, please follow me on Twitter, Facebook and via e-mail!

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at for more information.





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