Embrace New Challenges For Growth
Jun 08, 2015

There are many ways to grow your company. Expansion isn’t something to be taken lightly, but sometimes you have to move with the times, keep up with new developments or simply look at new business areas. New challenges may seem intimidating but are rarely as daunting as they first seem. There are many organisations and individuals out there who can help you take the next step, from those offering opportunities to learn new skills through to business training companies and advice lines. You may even identify ways to manage the growth of your business by discussing your situation with like-minded mumpreneurs who are in the same boat as you. Networking offers exciting new opportunities for growth and as attending initially can feel somewhat unnerving, here are some great ways to embrace networking and the chance to expand your business.

Networking Keep a lookout for networking sessions running in your local area. Browse online and enrol on business-related mailing lists, as these often include details of related networking sessions that may be useful to you. You may find free mailing lists run by local councils as a way of generating and enhancing commerce in the local area. These business support services are an essential part of any thriving commercial area and you can select the sessions that may be most beneficial to you. Once you’ve attended some of these networking sessions, you’ll be able to see if they will help you grow your business or be able to diversify into new areas.

New Contacts Look out for names of attendees you recognise or businesses that may be beneficial to you in your field. Identifying useful contacts via business cards at the event itself is sometimes possible too. You may encounter businesspeople who can soon become collaborators. In this way you are growing your business and meeting new challenges. Other attendees may offer advice about the sessions that are worth attending. Some networking sessions involve an enrolment or attendance fee, and may include refreshments. Some offer presentations by experts, and there’s always some titbit you can pick up, albeit the main subject of the talk is of no interest to you. Even if you don’t necessarily make instant connections, just chatting to other businesspeople can be useful, especially if they are facing some of the same work and family challenges as you.

Your Local Area It’s handy if you take an active interest in what’s going on in your local area so you can get the most of what networking has to offer.  Initially sign up for as many networking sessions as you can, to give yourself an idea of what’s out there. It’s a rolling process – the more you can invest in networking, the more contacts you make – and it’s a resourceful way of becoming integrated into the wider local business community. Some events won’t even feel like networking – more like social events – and you’ll probably find these are the best type for you to attend.

Talk The Talk There’s a lot to be said for old fashioned ‘word of mouth’. When you get the opportunity, ask your business colleagues and friends which networking sessions they attend and how they work for them. Social events can also offer opportunities for growth, as you can find yourself networking without even realising it!

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