Confidence For Life!
Jun 18, 2012

Mums’ Struggles Made Simple [MSMS]

Thank you so much to those mums who took part in my Confidence For Life survey throughout April. As promised, following on from the solutions I provided to the first half of the survey on my blog in May, I will now share with you the range of results, challenges and situations you are experiencing along with some tips and solutions for the remaining survey questions, which will enable you to welcome confidence, balance and joy into your life once and for all!

v) Do you celebrate everything you do? Celebrating being a good mum is essential to lifelong happiness. Many of you weren’t sure what elements of your life deserved a reward and when you would find time to do this. Having listed all you achieve in one day, can you start to acknowledge how vital you are to your family? As the central cog in your family, you must ensure you take good care of you too! Finding time to do this will be achieved if you truly value yourself as this will enable you to prioritise your own needs above the more mundane non-essential tasks because you need and deserve it! Prioritising self-care and fulfilling your own desires and ambitions is essential to your happiness. A happy mum is a fabulous one, and someone everyone loves to be around!

vi) Do you feel unsure, guilty or anxious about the decisions you make? A huge majority who answered replied how you always wonder whether you’ve made the right decisions or you continually question your actions. Write down your core values for life, your aims as a family and your motivation for a happy life. These are the elements to which you strive to succeed. Base your decision process on these aims and you will soon have the confidence to let go of your questioning and insecurities, and move closer to achieving a lifetime full of happiness, contentment and satisfaction.

vii) Why do you lack confidence? So many of you feel you lack confidence because of experiences from your past. Take a moment to identify these experiences and try to understand why you allow them to continue to influence your life. This is your opportunity to take back control: let go of the past. There is nothing about it you can change so move on, leave it behind, accept the lessons learnt from the situation and develop from them so you can start to enjoy a happier future.

viii) How would it feel to have indestructible confidence? You’re answer to this question was unanimous: amazing and tremendous. Using the tips from both May’s blog article and this article, try to work towards achieving great confidence, balance and joy:

  • Introduce self-care to satisfy your needs
  • Allow yourself time to recharge
  • Forget what others may or may not think about you
  • Practice being confident every day
  • Let go of the past
  • Live in accordance with your life values and core beliefs

I hope these solutions will help you to bring confidence, balance and joy into your life and embrace the opportunities available to you! Always remember, if you want your life to be different then you have to begin by doing something different to what you already do! Make the decision today to strive towards achieving something better by beginning to introduce, practise and embed these tips and solutions into your daily routine.

Thank you so much for taking part in my Confidence For Life survey. I offer further support by hosting regular MSMS Call In Sessions, so if you are struggling with a particular challenge and would like further support on this or any other topic, you can call me and receive 15 minutes complimentary 1:1 laser coaching! June’s MSMS Call In Sessions will be: Tues 19th June 12.30pm – 1.30pm; and Friday 22nd June 12.00pm – 1.00pm and are first come first served events so if the line is busy please do call in again.

Don't miss out on taking advantage of this fantastic opportunity by contacting me on 01606 334 015! On completion of the survey, you also shared lots of feedback about the areas of your life in which you’d like more support in the near future. Don’t miss future #MSMS surveys and solutions as I will be featuring topics such as:

  • Self-belief and self-worth
  • Finding more time
  • Self-esteem
  • Relationships
  • Lifelong Goals
  • Me Time
  • Parenting
  • Budgeting
  • Life Balance

Should you wish to contact me for more support on this or any other topic, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 01606 334 015. Finally, I would like to share with you my brand new signature e-Book, Confidence, Balance and Joy! Simply click here to download your free copy! To keep up-to-date with all future references to Mum’s Struggles Made Simple, #MSMS,  please follow me on Twitter, Facebook and via e-mail!

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at for more information



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