7 Reasons Why You Need To Build A Support Network!
Sep 10, 2018

Did you spend years craving freedom and independence? There’s no doubt that starting your own business can give you that. But that doesn’t mean that you’re not going to need a support network.

Many mumpreneurs might realise this when times are tough. However, a support network can be invaluable when business is great too. Below are our top 7 reasons why you need to build a support network.

1. Something Goes Wrong

Business is not always smooth running, whatever anyone else might tell you. You might see businesses around you that always seem to be doing well but behind the scenes there can be a very different story.

Without a support network, you have to deal with it on your own. As much as the responsibility is yours, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t help to discuss it with others. Someone else with a more objective view could have valuable advice to offer. It’s much easier for them to remove the emotion than it is for you.

2. Low Confidence Or Self-Esteem

Business is tough and it can take a toll on your confidence or self esteem levels, particularly when you run into difficulties. It can stop you taking the next stop forward and have you second guessing everything that you do.

But a support network can be your cheerleaders. They can listen to you and boost your confidence, helping you see what you have to offer. When you question your own judgement, they are there for you to run ideas passed.

3. When You’re Stuck

Ever found yourself stuck? Not sure how to overcome an obstacle or what to do next? We’ve all been there in various aspects of our life. The natural reaction is to turn to those nearest to us and ask them for their advice to see if they can find a way forward. It’s that old saying, “two heads are better than one”.

The same is true in business and having a supportive group around you ensures that you have people to turn to for that help in moving forwards. Sometimes, it can be enough to just discuss it – talking alone can open the flood gates to possible solutions so it’s important to have somewhere to turn.

But a support network is there for the good times too:

4. Celebrating Wins

It’s important in business to celebrate all the little wins but quite often your loved ones don’t quite get it and struggle to share in your excitement. Let’s be honest, celebrating on your own doesn’t have the same impact!

But when you have a support network of others that are in business or understand the highs and lows of business, they will celebrate your wins with you. They will be your cheerleaders who congratulate you and know what a great achievement it is.

5. When New Ideas Arise

Many business owners can suddenly find all kinds of new ideas popping into their head. It can be hard to decide which ones are worth investing some time and money in and which to leave for now. Discussing them can really help.

A supportive network will be there to help you work through your ideas. They will ask you questions, offer suggestions and be there to support you in your decision making.

6. Sparking New Ideas

Sometimes the ideas are not flowing! But often they can be sparked by conversations with others. Our loved ones, understandably, often don’t want to spend their time with you discussing business.

However, with a great network, you can openly discuss things and it’s amazing how many ideas come about during these conversations. New joint ventures are even born!

7. Belonging To A Community

It can be hard going when the people around us don’t really get this world of parenting and running a business that we now live in. We can find ourselves feeling like the odd one out, like we don’t quite fit in with other groups somehow.

But if you can build a support network of like-minded people then you instantly have that sense of belonging, a shared common goal that motivates you to continue striving forward.

The benefits of the right support group can’t be underestimated. Our blog later this month will explore the ways in which you can build that network and start reaping the benefits.

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at www.empoweringmums.com for more information.


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