5 Ways To Embrace The New Year
Dec 13, 2010

"Cheers to a new year and another chance to get it right!" Oprah Winfrey.

If your number one resolution is to have a better year in 2011, then these five fantastic tips should give you a head start!

Get Organised
At the top of your Christmas present list should be a request for a calendar or diary. No mum should be without one and, as soon as you start to diarise your schedule, you will find yourself becoming more organised, less frazzled and with more time to spare, as you will free up all the time spent worrying whether you have achieved everything you had planned to do!

Without a calendar to log appointments, events, school reminders, evenings out and much more, we at Empowering Mums would struggle to get through a day, let alone a week or month! Let’s hope you’ve been good this year so Santa will bring you a calendar or diary, enabling you to become super organised in the New Year!

Clear Your Mind
At this busy time of year it is often difficult to find the time to de-clutter your mind but doing so will help you to clear your thoughts so you can focus on your aspirations for the future. Try to rid yourself of the many frustrations, worries and limiting beliefs that are cluttering your mind so you can prepare yourself to face 2011 head on with confidence and enthusiasm!

Acknowledge Your Limiting Beliefs
By clearing your mind, you will have identified all the limiting beliefs that have prevented you from achieving your life goals. Acknowledging that these beliefs are the obstacles you must overcome in order to achieve ultimate happiness will help you towards attaining a more positive mindset. Try to identify why these beliefs are impacting your life in such a negative way and recognise whether they are justified or completely unfounded. Our guess is that they have built up over time and have intensified without just cause. Understanding exactly what is stopping you achieving your goals will enable you to understand what changes you need to make to bring happiness and fulfilment into your life.

Schedule Self Care
With your new calendar or diary, make sure you schedule at least one self-care session per week. In order to function sanely, and to re-energise and motivate yourself, you must enjoy some time out. Whatever you enjoy doing – running, swimming, shopping, reading, pampering, visiting friends and much more – diarise some time just for you. You will be amazed how great you feel after taking some time out to enjoy vital ‘me time’!

Celebrate Your Successes
Finally review 2010 and celebrate all the great things that have happened to you! Congratulate yourself on all the wonderful things you have achieved, including all the many things you do all the time for your family and friends. With this feel-good factor firmly in your mind, embrace the New Year and look forward with confidence to a new and better you!

Start your journey today – achieve confidence, balance and clarity for an easier, happier life!

Empowering Mums is on a mission to empower a million mums and mumpreneurs just like you with greater confidence, balance and clarity to activate your infinite capabilities within! Enabling you to enjoy an easier, happier life alongside running a highly successful business. Aligned with enjoying time out for an essential self-care routine that fulfils your own needs and delight in quality time spent with your children being the mum you really want to be!

For further support please contact Empowering Mums today on 01606 334 015, alternatively visit our website at www.empoweringmums.com for more information.




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