3 Ways You Can Appreciate This Summer…Whatever It Brings!
Aug 23, 2021

We can all be guilty of focusing on the negatives rather than the positives. In fact, it’s human nature. Through the pandemic, you may well have found yourself focusing on the things you couldn’t do and what you missed. It’s perfectly natural, especially when it brought such sweeping changes to our lives. But as we’re talking this month about making the most of summer, we wanted to share ways in which you can appreciate it, whatever changes might be thrown our way.


1. Give Thanks

This can be a great family activity and can be done as you sit at the table eating dinner. The idea is very simple. Taking it in turns, you give thanks to each person around the dinner table for something they’ve done that day. Some days it'll be big things like the family day trip. But on others, it could be the simple things such as a hug or following an instruction! It’s a great way for everyone to start appreciating how many good things happen to them each day.


2. Give Without Expectation

When we think of the summer holidays, we often get caught up in what we can do for our families and ourselves. And, even when we do something for others, more often than not, it’s connected to a benefit for ourselves. In fact, we might not always realise how often we expect things in return when we give to others.

However, there’s a special kind of magic of giving without the expectation of receiving anything in return. It can also give you a sense of belonging to something bigger than you and give you a sense of meaning and purpose. What you give and to whom is entirely up to you. It can be as simple as an hour of your time, a gift, or words of kindness. Again, this can be a positive experience for your children, too.


3. Give To Yourself

As mums and mumpreneurs, most of us will be guilty of under-appreciating ourselves. The summer holidays can be a lot of fun, but they can also leave us feeling exhausted and struggling to keep all the plates spinning. We feel guilty about what’s not getting done when we’re with our children and about not being with our children when we’re doing something else.

This summer, we would love you to appreciate yourself with a bit of self-love. There are infinite ways in which you can do this but here are just a few:

  • Give thanks to yourself each day
  • Treat yourself to that new summer dress, knowing you deserve it
  • Create some time to be alone or to meet up with friends
  • Write down something you love about yourself each day
  • Give yourself a ten out of ten for something you’ve done recently
  • Write a list of things you’ve accomplished this summer and keep adding to it!

Whether you’re going on holiday or not this summer, make sure you take the time to appreciate what you have. By doing this yourself, you'll also be guiding your children to do the same, which will set them up well for the future. What are you appreciating today? Let us know in the comments.


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