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What It REALLY Takes To Transform Your Life and Business!


Do you find yourself consumed by self doubt, guilt and uncertainty? Maybe struggling to make decisions, worrying what others may think? Would you like the confidence to believe you have everything you need to succeed?


How often do you put other's needs before your own? Perhaps feeling overwhelmed juggling your many roles and responsibilities? Would you like a calmer, happier life - a little time for you and time enjoying your children?


Are you feeling lost, isolated, unsure what you want or what the next steps are? Maybe you feel you've tried everything? Would you like to identify who you are, create a vision of what you really want and plan how to achieve it?

A Mum's Life



Be honest - how often do you put someone else’s needs before your own?


As a mum or mumpreneur, it can be hard to make yourself a priority and when you do, it’s usually because you’ve had a rough time. You’ve dropped one or more of your spinning plates, blamed yourself for everything that’s gone wrong, and crumpled in a heap.


Your partner, friend, or whoever comforted you whilst you bawled your eyes out and wiped your snotty nose, convinced you that you needed to do something for you. It was a bit like a military operation - you had to make sure the kids were sorted, dinner was prepped, someone walked the dog, fed the cat, and everything else that you do was prepped and sorted beforehand.


Finally, you were ready to head off for some pampering – to spend some time on you that would make you feel like you again. Maybe you hit the shops for new clothes, arranged a makeover, visited the spa, had your nails done or visited that new, fancy hair salon and asked for something different.


Whatever it was, it did make you feel better. You felt revived - a little piece of you had returned and you were back, ready to take on the world...


The Hard, Cold Reality


… And then you stepped back into the house and the reality of your life. Children crying and wanting only you, your partner flapping, unable to work out how to turn the oven on, the dog being sick…With a sinking feeling, you move into action soothing and sorting everyone.


The end of the day comes and you stand there in front of the mirror. Clothes and makeup are removed. Hair washed and sticking to the side of your face, you wonder if you’ll ever be able to style it the way the hairdresser did.


Nothing has changed!


You got a break from your life and felt great for a short while. But when you look inside, you still have the same thoughts and feelings running through your mind.


You still don’t feel as though you’re enough. You’re still weighed down by everything you need to do. You still think that you’re failing in some way, that you should be achieving more – if only you didn’t doubt yourself so much and instead have the courage to grasp opportunities. You still think there must be more to life, that you could offer more to your family, that there must be a way to achieve your life and business aspirations… but it’s hopeless to think that way.


Or is it? The truth is, that changing things on the outside doesn’t really change anything.

Change has to happen at a much deeper level to achieve lasting change.


But it comes as no surprise to me that we try to fix our problems with external solutions because no one has ever taught us about the internal stuff. If we don’t even know the internal stuff exists, how it works or the impact of it, how can we possibly try to fix it?


The Showreel Of Highlights


We’re surrounded by an Instagram-worthy showreel: impeccably styled and colour-coordinated homes, children in matching, clean and ironed outfits, exotic holidays on a sun lounger looking out on to the clear blue sea and fine white sand, successful business owners earning millions with ease from their laptop...and on and on it goes. We live in a world that promotes happiness as something external - a list of objects to own.

We see how the other half live and we want a piece of that. If we could just get everything looking amazing, we would be happy like them. Except, the showreel only ever shows the highlights. We don’t really know whether they are truly happy or not beyond the highlights. 

I’ve lost count of the number of times a new client has proclaimed in anguish “I have everything I could possibly want in life… so why am I not happy? Why do I feel this way?

True happiness is never going to come from these external things. They’ll make no difference to the way we think and feel because that needs internal solutions. 

What It REALLY Takes


For over ten years now, I’ve been successfully helping mums and mumpreneurs to transform their lives and reach the place they wanted to be in their life and/or business. Their challenges and life curveballs have varied.

One mum, we’ll call her Caroline, felt stuck in a rut when she came to me. Her self-esteem had hit rock bottom and she was suffering from anxiety and stress-related depression. She felt worthless and a complete failure. Worst of all, it was also having an impact on her family. Within just four months of working with me, Caroline had transformed her life - she was brimming with confidence, was doing the job she had always dreamed of and had more time to do the things she loved. Her family finally had the real her back.

Another mum, let’s call her Sarah, came to me when she was at a very low point one Christmas. She was stressed, depressed and everything felt like a real struggle. To top it off, her marriage was at breaking point and she regularly felt like quitting her business. However, after working with me, Sarah told me that I had helped her to shed light on aspects of herself that she didn’t even realise existed. As a result, her life has undergone a complete transformation - she now has a happy and strong marriage, a successful business, is loving spending stress-free time with her children and has even had the courage to emigrate to the other side of the world with her family.

But regardless of being a mum or mumpreneur, no matter where my clients were, what they wanted to achieve or which challenges they faced it always came down to just four “inner obstacles” holding them back from achieving what they desired in life or their business:

  • Confidence
  • Awareness
  • Life balance
  • Mindset

These four core elements live and breathe within us - nothing you do on the outside is ever going to touch them. But tackle them from the inside and incredible transformations happen.

But There's A Catch


I don’t want to give you the impression that it’s easy to change any of this - it’s not. We’re dealing with a lifetime of unsupportive negative thoughts and habits that have held us back - we’ve spent years perfecting them. It takes time to unravel these and replace them with more supportive and encouraging ones. You have to have the determination, drive, and commitment to do the work and steely resilience to get the results.


But it is achievable for every woman, no matter your start point! The first step? You just have to make the decision today to commit to creating something better for you and your future!


Albert Einstein famously quoted "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"


Change is a given. Yet we fear it and resist it – we see it as risky and challenging. After all, it takes us out of our comfort zone and into the unknown. But change, allow us to grow and achieve what we really want and therefore, we should embrace it. We live in a fast-paced world. If we don't embrace change we end up only 'reacting' to what life presents us rather than growing and creating the life we want.


The mums and mumpreneurs I have worked with made that key decision; they knew something needed to change and change now. They were committed to that decision and called me. They were prepared to do whatever it took to achieve what they really wanted.


As a result, they’ve been able to finally drop the mum guilt, prioritise their own self-care, get out of their own way and finally achieve the confidence, happiness and success they’ve been trying to find for so many years. They've transformed themselves and consequently, their world around them.


No makeover or hairdo is going to help you understand that you already have everything within you that you need to create the life and business you want.


Sssh... A Surprise


… For that, the internal work needs to be done and that’s exactly what I can unequivocally help you to do.

We will use the exact process that has successfully transformed all clients both past and current over the last ten years, helping you too to achieve that complete transformation with all the support you need to succeed every step of the way.

Before working with a new private client, I offer a complimentary “Confident You! Clarity Call”. This benefits us both enabling us to see if a one to one working relationship is right for us by way of you sampling working with me meets your specific needs and is a good fit for you and me checking I’m the right coach to help you achieve all you desire – so important to your progress and success to establish these.

If you would like to take this first step on the path to achieving all you desire for you, your family and/or your business; your future success and to doing the internal work needed to transform you and your life, then take a minute to book a convenient time for your “Confident You! Clarity Callhere.

Alternatively, you can call me on 01606 334015 to chat it through or email me at [email protected]. I can also call you by leaving me your contact details to get in touch here.

Check out what my clients are saying here...

To celebrate ten years of fulfilling my purpose and passion transforming the lives of mums, mumpreneurs, their families and businesses - there may just be a secret surprise waiting just for you, to celebrate and welcome you to Empowering Mums, as we work together to achieve your desired transformations across your life and/or business!

I very much look forward to speaking soon and hearing more about how I can help you achieve all you desire! 

Much love



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